The soul of a person

The soul of a person

In this week's series about love I can't not write about love without talking about one's soul. You must find it in your soul to love, to forgive, to have compassion for others. I have always been a big believer in seeing the soul of a person, not just looking at someone but seeing who you truly are in your heart and soul.

Yes, we are all human and sometimes we make mistakes but our mistakes don't define who we are, who we are in our souls. Sometimes all a person needs is kindness from another, someone who will believe in them, who will see the kindness in their soul to turn their life around.

How do you know that those kind words you spoke to someone today, may have changed their lives? Maybe today was the day they decided to end it all, but your kindness changed the way they viewed the world and changed their mind. Do you walk right by a homeless person and not answer them when they speak to you? Why? Are you better than them? Are you too caught up in your own life to show a bit of kindness and compassion to another human being?

I am here to tell you, you just are in God's grace in "this season" of your life, but remember "There before the grace of God go I"

It could have been another way, you could have been that homeless person, but you were given grace.

Is that person less of a person than you? No, they might have made mistakes, they might have had some bad breaks, maybe they didn't have the strength to believe, to pull themselves up, and they lost their faith and hope.

They still bleed the same red blood as you do and at night they still cry the same tears as you. Trust and believe they once had the same dreams and wants in their lives so that is why I will always look into a person's soul and see who they are before I judge them on the outside.

Besides, who are we to judge someone? Are we perfect? Can you honestly say you are such a true "Christian" That you have never done anything wrong?

No, you can't and it doesn't matter how much you go to church or read your bible, it ain't happening! 

We can try to do our best but we will never be perfect, so if you're not perfect how can you judge others? Have you never lied? Cheated? Did something you knew wasn't right? I can go on and on with things we have all done. You are not perfect so stop judging people on what you see, what you hear, or what others tell you about another person. You need to start judging them on their kindness of their soul, start loving them just because... just imagine what a better place this world would be if we all did that.

So today my friends, remember we have all done wrong in our lives, we all have made mistakes. We might have a facade we put on for the world, to cover up our pain and anger. We may tell stories to others to  make ourselves feel better but if you take the time, if you look inside what do you see? Do you see a heart of stone, a cold mean heart or do you see someone with a kind soul that is just lost? Ask yourself where is your love? Where is your compassion? It's up to you to really look, to accept them for who they are inside, no matter what color, what religion, what sexual preference, just accept them for the kindness of their souls. Be able to rise above with love and compassion to see the soul of a person 

"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Now released my latest book**

The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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