How I've missed the gym
How I've missed the gym
So if you follow me you know that I write this blog every day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year for the last 7 years on the treadmill. Hence the name Treadmill Treats duh! But I have to tell you since the pandemic started in March I have not been to the gym. I've been working out at home but it seems like at home you get a little lazy, I'm not as militant about getting up at 5:00 a.m. to go to the gym by 530. I sleep in, I do less of a workout, I have even written this blog in bed for the last 6 months so maybe I should rename it Bed Treats.
I have to tell you it hasn't been the same. I need that exercise to get my mind to work, to get the blood flowing so I can be creative and write. Okay, so let's be honest here, which I always am, the 1st few months were great because I hadn't been getting up at 5:00 in the morning, which I've been doing for as long as I can remember to come to the gym. It was really nice to sleep in and besides going to the gym wasn't a option with the fact that my daughter and I help out my ex mother in law and that she has POCD. Then there's the fact that no one really knows what's going on with this disease, and it made me too afraid to come and so working out at home was the only option as I cannot, not work out ever.
I made comprises, I wrote in bed and then I would do kickboxing, with old Tae Bo tapes, yoga, Hip hop aerobics and even threw some old, old Richard Simmons in there for good measure. I lifted the small weights I had at home, I did things my environment would let me, like bike riding or walking around my lake at night but I still longed for the gym.
So today I decided that I was going to go back, I know that at the time I go there is no one ever here anyway. There are a handful of us die hards that get up at this ungodly hour so I decided to risk it for my sanity.
I have to tell you that I jumped out of bed this morning. I started my morning off like I used to by listening to motivational YouTube videos while I was getting ready and driving here.
I almost cried when I saw my dear old friend, the treadmill waiting for me and with no one around and the treadmills 6 feet apart.
And I was right, there were 5 of us here and maybe another 4 downstairs definitely less people than in a grocery store.
I wanted to jump up and down when I started walking, listening to my gospel music like I always do. My brain was on fire and my blood was pumping, and I felt like I was alive, it was incredible!
This is what keeps me going, what makes me feel like I'm thirty, what gets my creative juices flowing. It is what gets me through depression, through my demons of addiction, through my heartaches, through the trials and tribulations of life.
This..the power of exercise can change your life. Trust and believe it has changed mine.
So today my friends, remember that you need to do what gets your motor running, what gets your creative juices going, what makes you feel young again. Get back out there, safely and start to get back to this "new normal"
So my friends I am off… running on this treadmill...oh,my dear old friend, how I missed you.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website
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