Being back in church live and in person

Being in church live and in person

Since Covid I haven't been to church. I still watch service online on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings because my church hasn't opened back up yet but to me it's not the same.
I need to be in church, I need to be around other believers, I need to feel the holy spirit and the word.
So when I found out that my daughter's boyfriend's church was opening live I decided that no matter what I was going.

I asked all my church friends to come with me but it didn't work out with them, it didn't matter I was going anyway. When I got outside all dressed up, I found my tire was flat. I had to get my air machine from the shed, here I was  looking for it, all dressed up in heels. Then as I started to fill my tire and the rain came. 
I yelled the devil is a liar I am going. I filled it enough to get to the gas station but the first one the pump was broken, the second one stole my money and didn't work. I did not care, low tire or not I was going. When I got there it started raining and I forgot my mask and had to go back to the car. It seemed like everything was trying to keep me from getting there, still I was determined and nothing was going to stop me.

Being in the house of God is something special, it's a feeling you can't get at home. A group of believers that come together and give love and praise to God. It's that feeling of the holy spirit that comes when one or more come together to praise his name. I also believe there is always a message for me, when I need it, when I come to church and of course today was no different.

Part of the message was that you don't need to be family to be a family. When someone has your back, you are blessed, we are all God's family. We who are strong need to build others up who aren't as strong. Part of the message was for my bestie who didn't show about stop entertaining foolishness, she needed to hear that.

So in today's time with everything going on, there are so many of us asking is God listening? So much hurt, so much racism, so much craziness we can't help to ask is God listening?
When you cry every night, when you're lost and broken and you cry out, God are you listening? We've all been there.
But we need to base our values on the hope of Jesus.
But he is listening, he hears you, he knows your pain and he is there for you but he also needs us to do things on our end. We need to be the salt and the light, we need to tell others about him and his goodness even when we are confused, and think he's not listening, we need to be true believers.
Our responsibility is to bring together everyone to Jesus.
We must have the strength to love as Martin Luther King so beautifully said.

We must do this for our world, our cities, our neighborhoods to strengthen each other in love. So many people today are worshiping the wrong things.
Ask yourself, are you worshiping money? Fame? Likes? Followers? We need to come back, we need to turn away from idols and turn back to God.

Removing your idiots makes space for God, because the only thing that changes the heart of a man is opening up to God. 
We don't need people's approval, we don't need likes or followers, we need God's love and approval. 
We need to restructure our strength. Each of us should praise our neighbors for their good, we need to build them up.

We need to be tough minded and tender hearted. Unmoved in our faith, we need to believe in God, we need to know his works, and we need to realize that it will come but in his time. We need to remember that we are all one, that God created each of us in his likeness, in his image. So how can we hate each other? How can we let others suffer? We are all the same, from the same father.

We need to strengthen each other, lift each other up. Help others in need, help those that don't have what we have. Our privilege needs to help those who do not have privilege. In these times there is a strength that will be needed, a spirit like strength that loves the unlovable, that helps the broken, that shows the light to those in the darkness. 

I remember what God said therefore it is not for your sake that I am going to do these things. I will give you a new heart and put in you a new heart. I will put in you my spirit and move you to follow me. Rest in the strength of our God that he will restore and give us the strength of love, for everyone.

So today my friends this was the message, it was for me and hopefully for you as well. Being in church made me do the ugly cry, as I was so overwhelmed with God's grace and mercy. I was so very grateful for being there and for everything he has done and continues to do in my life.
I know I am not where I want to be, I know there are things I pray for that have not yet come but I still hold on. I know I now have the things I used to pray for, so that keeps me going. So don't give up, hold on and if you can, go back to a place that makes you feel closer to God, wherever that may be for you.

"Be the change you want to see"
Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Now released my latest book**

The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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