Netflix The Circle

Netflix The circle 

So this weekend while I was flipping through the channels I saw this show on Netflix called The Circle, it's kind of like the 21st version of MTVs original series, The real world but without seeing the actual people.

Yes, social media today is all about this image you present to the world. What you look like, how perfect you and your life is. It's about how skinny you are, how much money you have. It's an "all about me society" 
All about who can one up the next. Who has the most expensive purses, the fanciest cars, the biggest mansions, the world has literally gone crazy.

In this show it let's 9 strangers be whoever they want to be on their social media page in this house. They can be themselves or be someone else, they can tell the truth about themselves or make up a whole new person. But they never meet face to face, just through texting in this fake social media world.
Every few days, they vote on raking each other and the top 2 get to block someone from the game. Game over, they go home…
The last one who is left standing and did not get blocked wins 100k. It's pretty interesting on what they learn along the way about themselves and the way they  perceive others.

It's sad that in today's world so many people portray something they are not. 
They want to fit in instead of being their unique self. No one was taught not to judge a book by it's cover and it has created this fake world people are living in. Look I get it for 24 years I pretended to be "happy" 
Pretended to be this perfect family on the outside while we were a dysfunctional mess on the inside.
Lying is easier than actually admitting the truth, than saying I need help, I am broken, my life is a mess. The first thing they teach you in AA is you have to admit you have a problem. First step...admitting it, it is then you can get the help you need.

People today act like it's a world ending thing to admit that they are not perfect. They are shocked when people come out and say these things. Hello! We are all human, we all screw up, we all make bad decisions, we all fall down at one point or another. This is how we learn and grow, by learning from our mistakes, yet no one wants to admit that they have any today.

I have always taught my girls to dance to the beat of their own drummer, to be true to who God has made them. Don't worry about what others will think, do you Boo. People will talk about you  whether they know you or not, whether it's true or not, that's people. You have to know who you are, who's you are and you need to own that shit. Doesn't matter what people think or say.

So today my friends, my message for today is be your authentic self, don't worry about the likes, the followers. Be real, be true, be honest. Be the best version of yourself and not what you think the world is expecting to see...
I won't ruin the ending of this show but I will say that it definitely has some lessons in it about being you, about don't be so fast to judge others and maybe just maybe, it may change how people look at social media and themselves.

"Be the change you want to see"
Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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