Cosby free...Me too may mean your next

Cosby free...Me too may mean your next 

Yesterday the Pennsylvania court found that Cosby's rights were violated when he was told testimony in a civil lawsuit filed by attorney Constand, wouldn't be used to prosecute him, which it later was.

The court found that District Attorney Kevin Steele, who arrested Cosby, should have followed his predecessor's promise not to charge Cosby.

"This is amazing news. We're excited and we want to thank the Pennsylvania Supreme Court," Andrew Wyatt, a spokesperson for Cosby, told Insider.

Even though many other women came forward during this it didn't matter and even though in May, Cosby was denied parole after refusing to participate in sex offender programs behind bars. He said he would resist the treatment programs and refuse to acknowledge wrongdoing even if it meant serving the full 10 years.

Which means he thinks he hasn't done anything and could possibly do it again. Most sex offenders keep this behavior up until they are caught or die. 

Many denial raping women, saying it was consensual between both partners. For many young women they blame themselves for knowing their rapist, for hanging out with them, they feel they must have done something.

I know I thought for years it was my fault. I knew him, I took a ride from him, I smoked a joint with him, I must have done something wrong. As years of therapy taught me, none of it was my fault. When a women says no its no, anything else is rape! Read that again as many people need to hear that.

When years later he reached out to me say "I don't know if okay or not to reach out to you but wanted to see how you were doing"

Well first of all if you have to ask, it's not and second, the only reason I answered was I was thinking he would apologize. Not only didn't he apologize but he said to my face it was consensual.
I had a boyfriend of 3 years, I was a virgin saving it for him until I turned 18. I ended up pregnant by this rape, I have to endure a horrible abortion, I tried to kill myself and it left me with a raging battle of drugs and alcohol for years, does it sound like it was consensual?

This is a story you hear everyday, by thousands of women, actually 1 out of 5!! If you can even believe that. This happens to more than you think, it happens everyday, to almost everyone you know.
Here are some scary statistics to think about according to the NSVRC.

One in five women in the United States experienced completed or attempted rape during their lifetime. 

Nationwide, 81% of women and 43% of men reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment and/or assault in their lifetime. 

One in three female victims of completed or attempted rape experienced it for the first time between the ages of 11 and 17. 

These are your mother's, your little sisters, your daughters that this is happening to at an alarming rate and still we allow it to go on. We allow "Stars" like Cobsy, Weinstein, R.Kelly and others to get away with it because of who they are.
But we must fight, we must change laws, we must take back our power and make sure men like Cobsy stay in prison where they belong for good.

So today my friends, if you want to change the world you must do something about it. Write your congressman, sign bills to change these decisions, write about it, post it, go to rallies, make your voices heard loud and clear.
We need to put our foot down and say enough is enough, these men cannot get away with it anymore.
Because there is a special place in hell for these men and until they get there, they need to spend it here on earth.

Note: There is help out there If you or someone you know is raped or sexual assaulted please reach out to the National sexual assault hotline:
1 800-656-Hope

There is also free and low cost therapy out here as well, please get the help you need.

"Be the change you want to see"

Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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