Priorities on spending your money

Priorities on spending your money

So last week I wrote about how I own a professional organization business and how I come in and help people organize their homes and their lives.

As I was with someone who was deciding whether or not to have me back due to the cost, I wanted to laugh. This person had tons of clothes in their closet with tags on them. They had more designer handbags than I could count and about 100 high end shoes. One pair was worth more than I made in one week.
Yet you can't afford me to organize your home? The place that is supposed to be your safe haven? 

It's all about your priorities, we've all seen people who will have a sports car in the driveway but their house looks like it's about to be condemned. It's priorities, people and it's just about which one you choose to be on top. For me I would rather have less clothes and an organized home but obviously for others they would rather live in a mess, looking for that 600.00 handbag for 3 days.

For some it's the show, oh look what I have, look at me keeping up with the Jones. For others it's an addiction, to spend money on things they don't need to fill a hole they won't admit to or fix.

Why is it that people will get that money for something they really want but struggle to pay the rent?
It's all about what is important to you and if it's not that important, they aren't going to make it a priority. Perfect example is drug addiction, you will find that money for drugs doesn't matter if you owe money, if you are going to get kicked out in the street, that drug money, you will somehow get.

For me I would rather pay my bills than buy 700.00 shoes. I'd rather have a full house of food than that designer bag that cost as much as my mortgage payment but that's just me.
It's only when things get out of control that you will find the money whether it's for your home, your health or whatever else it is.

In my profession it is when you can no longer cope with your mess that is when you decide I am now a priority. But until that, nope you can't justify spending less than a third on a professional organizer but have no problem spending 1,200.00 on a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes.

We all have our priorities to choose, some women choose money over love in relationships.
Some people choose sleep over exercise. Some choose eating delicious food over losing weight.
Some people choose spending over saving. We make choices each and every day, these are your choices and you will eventually have to deal with the consequences of your choices.
That is the harsh reality of life, 
sorry no sugar coating here.

So today my friends, ask yourself what are your priorities? Is it someone else's needs? Is your health in the bottom ten?
Is your house that is literally closing in on you more important than the designer stuff? These choices are up to you, everyday we get to choose how we live, so choose wisely.

"Be the change you want to see"

Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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