Making your home your peaceful place

Making your home your peaceful place 

If you follow me you know that I own a Professional Organization and Personal Assistant Business.
This is my day job until one day, God willing, I will be able to pay the bills with my writing alone.

I go to many people's homes and help them with organization but for most of my clients it's much more than that, it's about giving them peace in their sacred space.
Yesterday, I spoke about my home rising up to meet me when I come home. I spoke about this peaceful space, my safe haven away from the outside world. 

This is the way your home should feel, a cocoon that makes you feel safe, relaxed and filled with joy. But for so many people their homes fill them with anxiety, they dread to come home, because there is so much clutter that it also clutters their minds and spirit as well.

Yes, clutter and a messy home can affect you mentally and physically. It stops you from being creative, it feels like the walls are literally closing in on you and you can't breathe.

Did you know that:
80% of what we keep, we never use. 
Getting rid of clutter eliminates 40% of housework in the average home. 
The average American burns 55 minutes a day - roughly 12 days a year - looking for things they know they own but cannot find.

In a survey conducted by the National Association for Professional Organizers in 2015, it found that over a third of readers were overwhelmed by their clutter —and don’t know where to begin cleaning.
Less than 10% say their homes are clutter-free.

And the stress this causes is huge:

Stressing about money:
Bills can get lost, costing us late fees. The cost of replacing lost items and buying duplicates of those we didn’t realize we already had can also add to our stress and our pockets.

The biggest toll that clutter takes is added stress on your life.

Did you know that Feng shui tells us that clutter can drain you of your positive energy—you can actually feel it!

You don't want to have guests over because you are embarrassed and so for many they never invite their loved ones over. That leads to isolation and depression.

Each room and the clutter in it  becomes visual reminders of all the work that you need to do and that becomes too overwhelming to deal with so what do you do? Close the door, ignore it, pretend it's not there.

A cluttered home, rather than your safe haven from the world, is one of your biggest forms of stress. It makes you feel like you can't do things, it gives you anxiety, which brings on depression. It is frustrating and exhausting to people who are probably already-stressed out and it just adds to it.

My client yesterday told me she was embarrassed to have me come, she said she was afraid I would judge her. I told I was there to help her not judge her. That sometimes especially as women we take on everything and when things, like in her case go crazy we can't do it all. She lost 3 loved ones in a short time span, she was a nurse during covid, she was raising 3 children and had a foot surgery. Something is bound to get lost.

We need not be so hard on ourselves and not to be so proud to not to ask for Professional help. That is what we are here for, to help you get back on track if that is what you wish for yourself and your home.

If you watch hoarders on television, you know it's like AA, you must admit you have a problem and want to change it otherwise it will go right back to what it was before.
But if you want that peaceful space, that home that rises up to meet you. That will fill you with peace and joy then you must confront and take on the clutter and if it is too overwhelming call us, we are the professionals, we can help you.

So today my friends look around your home, how does it make you feel? Is the clutter taking over? Do you feel overwhelmed? Like you can't breathe? If you answered yes, we can help you when you are ready to make the change. 
And like I say at the end of every blog only you can be the change you want to see….
Let me help you get Perfectly Organized...
Perfectly Organized by Francesca 

Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Now released my latest book**

The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

Selling on my website:


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