Tyler Perry's comment

Tyler Perry's comment 

So recently, Tyler Perry made a comment in an interview that had many women in an uproar. He spoke about black women saying "If you can find love, if that man works at whatever job and is a good man and is good to you, and honors you, and honors the house, and honors his wife, and does what he can … because his gift might not be your gift, that is okay. That’s not somebody that’s beneath you. That’s somebody who came to love you at your worth.'' and he went on to say,'This is a foreign concept for some women because they have such high standards and expectations." 
"But when you talk about just someone to love and support you, I know people whose men can’t touch what they make," he explained. "But when you see them together? That love, that support, that ‘I got you, babe,’ it’s a beautiful thing.

A lot of women were pissed, saying why they would support a man, he better bring this, this and this to the table and so on. 
Look, I get it. I refuse to support a broke brother who is doing nothing, keyword doing nothing, but I also see his point, especially since my divorce. Money doesn't make a man. Having a big house or fancy cars doesn't make you happy, especially when he is treating you like shit.

I know plenty of friends who will skip past a man because he doesn't make six figures or isn't 6 feet tall or the hundred and one criteria that they have on their list. But for me, I've learned that if a man is a good man, if he treats you right. If he loves and honors you, that is the most important thing.

I don't care what he does, I don't care if I make more as long as we are hustling together. As long as he puts me first behind God, I'm good with that. There are plenty of good men out there doing their best to get by, and yet so many women pass them up. If you truly love someone, you will work together. You will be with them in the good times and the bad and trust and believe there will be both, sometimes more of one than the other. But to have that person that has your back, that understands you, that is there for you no matter what, that is priceless.

So today, my friends, I am here to tell you from experience that money does not make you happy. Sometimes money comes with strings, with disrespect, and it may cost you your soul. 
So good for you, Tyler Perry, for putting this out there for so many women of today who think money, likes, and stardom are more important than love. You are right, that love, that support, that I got you, babe, is truly a beautiful thing.
"Be the change you want to see"


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