Would you change your life if you could

Would you change your life if you could?

So this was a conversation I had recently. Would you change your life if you could? If some magic genie came and said you could have a do over, would you do it?

My answer was no. Although my life was far from perfect, even with all the pain I had throughout my life, I still wouldn't change a second of it. My thoughts are that everything happens for a reason. Every pain, every tear, every single minute makes you who you are today. I would not be who I am without all of that. 

My memories are filled with laughter, good times, friendship, and love just as much as they are filled with pain and tears. If I had to lose one, I would lose the other. And for me, the good outweighs the bad, even if I had more bad.

So many people use their hard times as a crutch. They are so stuck in their pain that they can't or won't move forward. They will never learn the lessons they need because they refuse to stop playing the victim. They never own their own shit and their own choices.

See, my pain made me stronger. 
My tears made me more determined.
Being knocked down again and again made me a better fighter.
The shit life threw at me made me want to say, "Oh yeah, watch this."

My rapist taught me forgiveness. 
The loss of so many loved ones taught me to love bigger. 
Hitting rock bottom taught me compassion for others. 
Overcoming drug abuse showed me I could do anything. 
Picking the wrong men showed me my self-worth. 
These are all lessons I needed to learn, and I am so happy for them, even the painful ones.

So today my friends, remember we all would like an easier life. Sometimes, we would all like to turn back time and change things, but this is what made you who you are today. Learn to take the good with the bad, learn your lessons, let go, and move on. The only thing you can change is what you do from this day forward, so if you're not happy, then be the change you want to see.


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