I don't let things bother me anymore
I don't let things bother me anymore
I used to stress about everything. What am I doing with my life? How will I pay my bills? Am I making everyone around me happy?
There are so many things racing around in my head every day. Things that I had no control over yet here I was worrying about them nonetheless.
But why do we do this? Will our worry change the outcome? Will our sleepless nights change what will happen? Of course, they won't, yet we do it anyway. Some people do it to the point of making themselves sick. Yes, stress can make you sick and even kill you, so why are so many people still doing it?
After my bout with stress illness and my talk with my Bishop, who gave me this wonderful advice, I decided I would not let anything bother me anymore. Now, is it always easy? Oh, hell no! You would know this if you drive with me as I curse out some dumb ass driver. But we are all a work in progress. We will all slip up or slide backward. The point is that you get back up, and you keep going.
I am constantly telling myself, is this worth your peace? No, I realized not anything is worth my peace of mind, and when I think of it that way, I tend to let it go. We do this to ourselves, we stress ourselves out, and we think of all the what if's. We bring ourselves fear, and we rile ourselves up into a frenzy. About what. Shit we can't change, someone's behavior we don't like? Stupid stuff that will happen in life? Nah, not me. I choose to let it go, to not allow it to bother me.
So today, my friends, remember life is short, too short to be bothered by things, to allow others to own your feelings or steal your peace. You need to start letting go. Let go of the anger. Let go of the petty bullshit that annoys you. Just let it all go. It doesn't matter anymore, compared to your peace. When you learn to stop allowing things to bother you, you allow more peace into your life.
Only you can be the change you want to see.
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