The Older You Get The Less You'll Willing To Put Up With
The Older You Get The Less You'll Willing To Put Up With
They say that with age comes wisdom, hopefully.
Sometimes things take us a long time to finally get, but like I always say, better late than never.
I always say one of these things is the older you get, the less you're willing to put up with.
That is definitely true with me, as I have less patience for nonsense. Less patience for drama, and less patience for people who don't have my back. I'm not going to give chance after chance to people who don't show any effort to change. I did that enough when I was younger.
I no longer will fight with a person to get them to see my opinion. Everybody has an opinion. They're like assholes, we all got them.
I don't need to get yours and you don't need to get mine. I'm not gonna waste my time trying to convince you otherwise.
I will no longer wait until a truckload of red flags hit me in the face. No, after one or two, I get it and I'm outta here.
I no longer try to please everyone or make everyone happy. They need to do that on their own.
I am not here to fix anyone, you need to complete yourself. You need to do your own work, like I did, on myself.
I am not about to allow negativity in my space anymore. Take that shit with you and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Age has given me the strength to say no. No, period. Just because I don't feel the need to please anyone and I no longer feel guilty about it or need to justify my saying no.
It has changed me because I know I have more years behind me than in front of me and I refuse to waste any of them. I no longer care what people think of me. This is even less than I used to, because I have always danced to the beat of my own drummer. I'm doing me, you don't pay my bills, and you won't be judging me when I am called home, so your opinion no longer matters.
I don't care about the likes or the haters on social media. I do what I do because this is my purpose, to help others. If my message isn't for you that's okay, there is someone out that it is for. You hating on me will not will not deter me. I will not fight with you to like me, I will just say in my best New York sarcasm, "Thanks for the love" And I will move on, not losing one once of sleep about you or what you said.
So today my friends I am here to tell you that aging is not so bad. You learn what you will put up with and what you won't. You find your voice and are not afraid to use it. You lose the need to please. You can stand in your peace because you know the older you get the less you are willing to put up with and that's a good thing.
"Be the change you want to see"
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