Blaming You So They Don't Have To Be Accountable For Their Bullshit

Blaming You So They Don't Have To Be Accountable For Their Bullshit 

I love this saying, unfortunately it is so true for so many people. People who will never own their shit. They will blame you, talk about you, and try to make you look bad, but God forbid they will ever own what their part was in it.
So many people are waiting for an apology from people like this. News flash! You will never get one.

In AA they teach us that the first step is to admit you have a problem. If you can't do that you will never get clean. If people are still blaming you, they are not ready to own their own shit.
There are always two sides to the story, and most of the time it takes two people who have done each other wrong. 

Look I own what I did in my marriage, I took responsibility for my part. I was far from perfect. 
I learned to forgive him without getting an apology. This allowed me to move on and let go of the hatred and bitterness I felt towards him. You need to let it go for you. Otherwise, you will carry it around for years, hurting no one but yourself.

You need to take responsibility for what you did and hopefully, if you're a big enough person apologize for it as well. If someone tells you that your actions are affecting them and then you blow them off or tell them "That's the way I am, deal with it" you are not dealing with the issues. Maybe you should look around and see a pattern of losing friends or family because of your actions. Look we are all human and we all make mistakes but it's what you do after these mistakes that show people who you are. 

I can remember plenty of times writing this blog from a place of anger or hurt and when I sat back and realized that, I publicly apologized for it. Look, it's hard enough to apologize to a person, one-on-one but when you have to do it in front of thousands, that's hard. But these are the things I had to do in order to own my own shit. These are the things we all need to own to learn our lessons and to grow and change. 

So today my friends, remember we all make mistakes. We have all said or done something that has hurt another person but it's what we do afterwards that shows them who you are.
Will you apologize for your behavior? Will you deny their feelings? Or will you blame others so you won't have to be accountable for your bullshit? The choice is yours, and only you can be the change you want to see.
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