Time Changes Things
Time Changes Things
I am writing this for the people out there that may be going through some things and think, I'll never get past or it will never get better. I am here to tell you that it will, this is my story.
11 years ago today, my world fell apart yet again.
I was dating a man who I thought loved me and wanted to spend his life with me. I was just coming out of a horrible marriage. I was longing to hear those words I had so very much missed for the last 24 years. I was vulnerable and believed everything he was feeding me even when my intuition was screaming something wasn't right. I continued with this relationship because my life was so barren from emotion for so long.
I bought into it hook, line, and sinker like many women out there who are desperate for love and affection. The day I found out he was nothing more than a sociopathic liar, I kicked him to the curb, literally with no second chances. I called him out for everyone to see. I was never going to let a man get over on me more than once. I was done but I was truly hurt as I opened my heart and trusted yet again. Even after all the pain I endured during my marriage, I wanted to trust again. And even though he knew all that I went through, he still chose to hurt me this way.
It was more than I could bear, I shut down emotionally and went into my writing. I didn't let another man get close to me. Instead, I got closer to God. I prayed and I cried and I let time heal me.
As time went on I realized the lessons he had taught me from this pain.
I could make it on my own without a man. I taught my girls never to put up with a lying, cheating man. I learned that I should always listen to my intuition, always.
This also taught me that even when you hurt, you should still open up and reach out to others who are also hurting as I did to his ex-wife. Even though everyone thought I was crazy to do so. I knew we were both victims of his sick mind and that she was a good woman that needed a friend so I offered my friendship to her and all these years later we are still friends.
Now here it is 11 years later and throughout these years my world has changed 360 degrees. I have had ups and downs. I've loved and lost.
I lost loved ones and friends. I have been knocked to my knees on more than one occasion yet I still get up. I still have God who gets me through anything and everything.
I have an incredible family and wonderful friends who I can count on. I have a business I love, and a home I never imagined getting.
I finished my book, which in doing so also healed my soul. I then published another one as well in which I speak about all of God's blessings in my life. I am happy and peaceful in my life and my home. I am truly grateful for the pain he caused me because I would have never found myself and these lessons without it.
So today my friends, I am telling you all of this because I didn't think I could get past this pain but I did. I never imagined my life as it is today. If I didn’t walk out past my fear, none of this would have been possible. I know there is someone out there who may be in this situation. I want you to know that no matter how dark it might be, don't give up hope. Hold on, look for the lessons that the pain is teaching you. Know that when you look back years later and see what a difference it can make, knowing that time changes things.
“Be the change you want to see”
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
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