Friends who are there for you

Friends who are there for you

We all have friends and we all have different kind of friends. I know this as I am lucky enough to have tons of friends.

Friends are like trees, some are the leaves, they are there until poof a wind comes along and then they are gone.
Some friends are like the branches, they are there for you but if it gets too windy snap! They break off.
And then you have some friends who are the roots of tree, they are stuck, they go deep and no matter what comes at them or you, they are not going anywhere.

I realized this year which friends were which. This was a tough year for me, I lost 4 people in my life, I was on the outs with my daughter and threw her out of my home. I had to realize that the man I was seeing for over a year, was self centered and never there for me and I broke off the relationship because I finally got that it was obviously not going anywhere.
I lost one of my biggest clients and struggled financially. So many things came at me over and over and it was in these difficult times when I realized who was truly there for me through all this.

I really needed a party, I wanted the people I love in my home. I needed to hear laughter and see my people together and I needed to realize how truly blessed I am, even through the bad times.

So we finally got it together where my 2 soul sistas could fly out at the same time from across the country. Even though it was 2 months after my birthday, it was going to be my better late than never birthday party.

I sent out invites over a month and a half before, I sent out reminders, lots of reminders as I really wanted all of my friends to be here. I have to tell you I am a big believer in things happen for a reason and this was to show me who was really there for me. Trust and believe this was an eye opener for me.

I knew my roots were going to be there, hell two flew across the country to be here. But the leaves and the branches, well they showed themselves. They were what they truly are, just there for themselves and gone with a wind.

The party was amazing, we sang and danced, we ate and laughed and as I looked around the room at the people who truly love me and have my back, I realized this is who I need, no one else.
These are the people who will always be your roots, who will always stand by you through thick and thin. Who love you despite all your faults and will bless your life with laughter and love forever.

Even though I went through so much, it was at that very moment that I knew how blessed I was and I was so grateful for these friends, that it brought me to tears...

I don't know what the future holds for me but I do know who will be there with roots.

To my amazing root friends: Thank you for always being there, for being my rock, for being my soul sistas and for never blowing off through tough times. There are no words to describe my love for you. As a only child, you are the family I chose for myself...thank you...I love you all♡♡

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:


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