A sigh of relief that the holidays are over

A sigh of relief that the holidays are over

Over and over this year so many people I've talked to have said it's been a really rough year. No one seemed to be in the holiday spirit.
I myself, know this is a fact as this is been a hell of a year for me.
I've lost four people in my life alone this year, it's been one of the hardest financially for me in years, I've had issues with my kids, with so-called friends and I have battled with depression.
That was the hardest for me as I am never depressed, I am one of the most positive person you will ever meet. But this year, this year threw me for a loop.

The year started off with issues with my daughter, and making the decision to throw her out. It went on to losing one of my biggest clients, mishaps with my car and electronics and just shit coming at me in all directions, all year long.

I have to be honest the holidays came too fast, I was just not ready nor did I feel festive or in the holiday mood.
When my girls told me that they were going to Europe over Thanksgiving that threw me right over the edge.
I did not even do my annual open house for people that had nowhere to go, I honestly just didn't have it in me.

By the time Christmas rolled around I have to tell you it was no better. And when my girls told me that they were spending Christmas Eve with their Jewish father, well that about did it for me. Whatever little festive I had in me went straight out the window.
All of this holiday stuff came in the middle of a break up with a man I truly was in love with but realized that this wasn't going anywhere because he wanted kids and I don't.

I have to tell you, if it wasn't for the people that I knew didn't have family to be with this holiday I would have pulled the plug on it all.
But as that old Showbiz saying goes "The Show Must Go On" so I pulled it together and made a holiday dinner special for those who would have had none otherwise.

Sometimes as bad as you're hurting, you need to put that aside and put others needs in front of your own needs. As my pastor says all the time, you need to be a blessing to others and so I'm trying to do that.
Now I am not complaining, don't get it twisted as I know I am blessed beyond belief but sometimes.... just sometimes I would like to catch a break.

I know my friends are the family I choose for myself, I know God has and will continue to take care of me and I know as my mom use to say all the time, "This too shall pass" and so I hold on to that tiny bit of faith and hope to get me through.

So today my friends, we can all breathe a sigh of relief knowing we made it through the holidays and that the new year is right around the corner with better days to come.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you all for following me, cheering me on and always being there for me, I so appreciate each and everyone of you. God bless.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
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