What portion are you giving to God?
What portion are you giving to God?
We all need to answer this question, what portion of ourselves are we giving to God?
How do we interact with God? Do we do things for God to see or to be "seen" or are we doing things for God's love?
In the bible when Martha and her sister Mary had Jesus at their home, Martha was serving Jesus but it says she was distracted much by her serving.
We are called to serve in this life, we are here to serve. But it could be our service is being done with distraction like Martha's?
Martha started complaining that her service was more than her sisters.
But Mary was listening and being hosiptble to Jesus.
Martha thought she was doing more than Mary and she was angry.
But Jesus say Mary was doing her "good portion"
The question is do you want to be seen and get recognized for what you do or are you doing it for God?
What is going to sustain you in this life? Trust and believe, it's not going to be your job or your career or who you know or what you "have" but how much of God you have on the inside of you.
Is Christ the center of what you do?
If he's not, it's never going to work.
Just because you opened the door to Christ doesn't mean you are going to listen.
You don't get brownie points for just accepting him. You need to know him, to serve him, to put him first in your life.
Anytime your doing service ask yourself who are you doing it for?
The scripture says we all need to humble ourselves, we all need to stay in our lanes. The problem is that we are so worried about what others are doing, do they look better than me? How will it look if I do this or that?
God will honor your portion, don't look at others, just do your best and God will honor your portion.
The world would be a whole lot better if we focused on God and mind our own business.
Worry about what you bring to God. Serve him, give your best to him. The only thing you should want out of your service is to hear him say "Well done, my good and faithful servant"
So today my friends ask yourself, what have you given to God this year? What portion are you giving to him?
And then ask yourself is that enough?
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The blessing in disguise.... revealed**
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