Paying off 400 college student loans

Paying off 400 college student loans

I was floored when recently Billionaire  Robert F. Smith paid off 400 college students loans, it was an amazing gift that he gave to these young people. 

Morehouse College seniors got a surprise last Sunday when Smith annnounced this during his commencement speech.

He said he would pay off the student loan debt for the historically black college's 2019 graduating class.

"On behalf of the eight generations of my family who have been in this country, we're going to put a little fuel in your bus," 

Saying his family was creating a grant to eliminate their student loans.
The announcement was met with a standing ovation and chants of "MVP!"
He went on to say:

"Now, I know my class will make sure they pay this forward, I want my class to look at these (alumni) -- these beautiful Morehouse brothers -- and let's make sure every class has the same opportunity going forward because we are enough to take care of our own community. We are enough to ensure we have all the opportunities of the American dream"

But it shouldn't have to be one person trying to help out with our future.  When you are trying to improve yourself, trying to pull yourself out of where you came from, you shouldn't have to put yourself in debt for years and years. 
I've been doing hair forever and I had two clients that were both attorneys and they were always crying about money and one day I said to them "You're both attorneys come on now, why are you always crying about money, I know you guys make big big bucks"
 They told me that their student loans were more than their mortgage payments.

Imagine having to pay rent or a mortgage and also having to pay another rent every month but yet these are what people do all over United States every single day.

On the other spectrum, sometimes you graduate from college and then you can't get a job in your field or you get a job and it doesn't pays you enough money to pay off these $1,200 a month student loan payments. So now it goes on your credit and you now become a credit risk, seriously?

Why is it that every other country pays for their kids to go to school? They have a program that makes this possible and we don't? How are we supposed to be the greatest country in the world or I should say used to be, the greatest country.  Now on top of being the world's laughing stock, we're the country that's putting our children in debt from the get go. How can we not be right up along with other countries giving their kids a heads up? 
When we have children wanting to become renown doctors, children waiting to become life-changing scientist, to become presidents. Why aren't we helping out these children along? 

I just happened to be blessed to live in a state where we had Prepaid College. We as parents have to pay for it and is not that great but at least it's better than nothing.
I drove a crappy ass minivan for 10 years so that I didn't have a car payment, so that I could take that money and put it in my kids college fund. So that one day, my girls would at least have four years of paid off college without debt.
But many states do not have this and many parents cannot afford this.  And this comes with the stipulation that if my child decided to go to another state for college, we would be shit out of luck and only get back what we put into it. Which was definitely not enough for even one semester somewhere else but this was better than nothing and I wanted them to have some kind of leg up.

This shouldn't be okay, this man gave an amazing gift paying off these 400 college student loans. 
But it shouldn't have to be this way, when a young person is  trying to be better and trying to prove themself. When you are trying to pull yourself out of where you came from. You shouldn't have to put yourself in debt for years and years or be stuck with bad credit. Is that what we want to give our kids to start of their lives?

Elizabeth Warren is running for presidential candidate in the next election. She has a plan to tax the upper percentage of rich people $0.01. Can you imagine that? One cent over every dollar they make over 50 million dollars. that's like us going to Walmart and that would cover all of the past debt and all of the future debt so that our kids could go to college. Why hasn't anybody else thought about this before? Why hasn't this pasted in the senate or the the government? Why is it taking this long?

There are so many people that wanted to go to college but couldn't afford to go to college. What is wrong with us as a country? Well right now, there is a lot. It's a sad, sad state right now. Sometimes I'm saddened because as far as we've come with technology and the things that people have invented, cures for diseases that we found, that we are still back in old times, where we still have racism, hatred, classism and that we are still a dog eat dog world. We're a mess, we are leaving our planet a mess for our children and grandchildren. We still don't have free healthcare and people are dying because they can't afford to buy medicine. Some people have to choose medicine or food. It's a sad, sad state we live in today and yet all these politicians care about is there pockets and their power.
 I really truly hope that other people step up to make a difference like this man has. I really hope the country opens their eyes and will vote for somebody that's willing to make change. I really hope we vote out those people who do not want change, because if we don't then we are going down a slippery slope here.

If we don't stand up and change things, if we don't stand up and voice our opinions, for women's right, for civil rights, for immigrants, for people that don't have a voice, for our children and grandchildren, one day none of us will have a voice.
We all need to step up like Robert F. Smith did, this is about all of us, this is about our children, this is about us as a world.
As I say in the end of all my blogs....
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

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