Just doing what you got to do

Just doing what you got to

Alot of my friends ask me this question all the time, how do you do all that you do? And my answer is, I just do what I got to do and get it done.
I don't think about it because yes, I would be overwhelmed if I did.

I come from a family of hard workers, we just did what we had to do. My mother worked the night shift in a dinner called Gagers, she worked 11 pm to 7am.
She delt with all the drunks who came in after bar break.

She would then take me to school, wash clothes, take my grandmother to the doctor or do what ever had to be done before she would go to sleep before her next shift.

On her days off she would work on our old delapaded home for 10 hours with my stepfather, then she would cook, clean and grocery shop. But she was never to busy to stop and help a friend out or spend time with me.

I watched her and I learned. I went to college and worked 2 jobs, when I got married I worked part time and also worked full time in my husband's business.

I had 2 kids under the age of 2, yet I still worked his business, I cleaned and feed 100 lizards,10 sugar gliders, 12 ferrets, a cat and a dog. I also took care of the lawn, the pool and any and all repairs around our home.

After cleaning, grocery shopping and cooking dinner every night, I would give the girls a bath, put them to bed, do laundry and then do hair clients until midnight.

I would wake up at 6 am, drag the girls to the gym with me and start all over again. I couldn't think about it, it was what he expected, it's what I did. I was basically a single parent because everything was on me, he did nothing to help, he paid the bills that was all. I did nothing, were his words to me for years.

Where there days I went to bed crying from exhastation? Oh you bet but I got up the next morning, put a smile on my face and did what I had to do.

I can't tell you how many Saturday mornings when my friends were sleeping in, I would be up at the crack of dawn, cleaning cages, cutting hedges, cleaning the pool and the house before getting ready to take my girls to the beach with friends.

I would cry and often ask God when this would be over but through it all I kept trudging along.

When my dad got sick and had to be moved down here, I had to pack up my house while overseeing all the work on our new home. I was still working our business and still doing hair at night through all of this. I then moved into our new home and that very night, I flew to New York to pack my parents home and fly back here to unpack two houses.

There were days I thought, today will be the day I wind up in the hospital, yet my prayers were never answered, so I kept going.

I don't know the meaning of quitting, of giving up, of rolling up in a ball and pulling the covers over my head, I just keep going until its done, period.

Even when I was leaving my marriage, packing my house, looking for a new place to live, I was also training for a triathlon.

I moved in and the following weekend with boxes still unpacked, in the middle of painting and finding furniture, I broke my toe in the process, yet I still went and did this triathlon.

I was telling this story to a friend last night, it basically sums up my life. I started the race swimming and as soon as I got in, a huge jelly fish bit my ass. I then ran with that broken toe and on the last leg of the race the skies opened up and poured on me. I laughed as I yelled at the universe:
"Come on ! What else have you got for me? I am here, I am not quitting! So if you have anything bring it on because I will do this!"

Wouldn't you know as I crossed the finish line the sun came out! And I ended up placing 3rd in my age group. Who would have guessed?

Yup, that is the story of my life, no matter how bad it gets, I don't give up, I keep the faith and eventually I know that the sun will come out!

So today my friends remember, when you think you can't go on, that you have way to much on your plate, that you feel like giving up, know that it will all be okay, as long as you don't give up. Just do what you have to do to get it done.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:


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