Your biggest secret is the jail of your happiness

Your biggest secret is the jail of your happiness.

So many people are afraid to let out their secrets, so many people keep their skeletons so tightly in their closet as if they're the only people on Earth that have skeletons. We all have skeletons in our closet we are all human we have all made mistakes we've all fell on our faces we've all pick the wrong men or women. We've all screwed up we've all said the wrong things we've all hurt people that we love no one gets to come out of this alive without any skeletons so then why are we all so afraid to show our human side? Why do we all so fiercely protect our dirty little secrets when we all have them? I know for me the day I decided to stop pretending to be this perfect mother and this perfect wife in this perfect family which was really a dysfunctional Mass was the day I set myself free. I realize that day and I had no more fear because I was the one that open the closet and let the skeletons out and you know what people are going to say what they're going to say regardless of whether you're keeping that closet tightly closed who are you let all the skeletons fall as they may. We all are the same difference between you and I is that I put all of my s***, all of my dirty laundry all of my failures all of my faults for the world to see because I am no longer afraid. My thing is if people are going to talk about me they're going to talk about me that's not going to make my life any different that's not going to curl me up in a ball and make me cry myself to sleep it's not going to make my life amazingly better it just is what it is people talking s*** but can a person that's talking s*** about me can honestly say that all of his dirty secrets are all of her dirty secrets are out there for the world to see and judge I'll bet you they can't. So before you're so worried about what other people are going to say or think about your failures are your screw-ups think to yourself don't you think they have them don't you think they screwed up at what difference does it make if they talk about you or not? It doesn't make one bit of difference. The best piece of advice I got was from my pastor when I was going through my horrible divorce and I was stressing so bad that my hair was falling out I had lost weight I couldn't sleep I was having heart palpitations to the point of actually going to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. He said to me does all of that stress that's all of those sleepless nights does all of that worry change any of the outcome that's going to be? Of course we all know the answer is no worry we can't change the outcome and then he said so then why worry? He was right same thing if any of their opinions or any of people talking about you are going to change any part of your life then why worry? What's wrong with this country is that we're all trying to keep up with the Joneses. We're all trying to be who were not because we're afraid that we're not enough just like we are. There comes a day when you realize that you are right now that you don't care about the Joneses because most likely they got s*** going on in their house to you just don't see it it is that day when you realize your truth will set you free that day is the day your life will change forever.


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