Justice will prevail, Harvey Weinstein convicted

Justice will prevail. Harvey Weinstein convicted 

So yesterday many women had their day in court with the verdict of guilty against Hatvey Weinstein. 

A New York jury found former Hollywood studio boss Harvey Weinstein guilty of third-degree rape in the case of Jessica Mann and guilty of first-degree criminal sexual assault in the case of Mimi Haleyi, acquitting him of the two most serious counts of predatory sex assault.

Even though he wasn't charged with those two counts of predatory sex,we are still happy that at least, we hope that he will be spending some time in jail for these horrific crimes that he has gotten away with for years to so many women. 

I know that I am part of the #metoo movement as are so many women.

Women who started to stand up across the world and and finally tell their stories. So many women who have felt so all alone, for so many years, now had a platform to speak their truth. To finally not feel alone, to know others knew how it felt to be violated by someone. It was liberating that so many women finally had a chance to speak their truth  after hiding it for so many years.

 I know that feeling as I didn't speak of my rape for years afterwards. My mother who came from that generation said to me after taking me to an abortion clinic at 15, that we shall never speak of this again.

What do you do with that at 15? as a virgin? Your raped and then you find out that you're pregnant and have to endure a horrible abortion and now but she's telling you to forget this ever happen. Seriously how is this supposed to work? But I can't blame my mother. She came from that generation where they didn't have Doctor Phil or Oprah, to air your problems out on television. You sucked it up, you put your big girl panties on and went on with your life, that's how they dealt with things back then.

As Maya Angelo once so eloquently said "When you know better, you do better"

Today, thank God we know better, we have people speaking out about rape, abuse and sexual assault and that's why this movement meant so much to me because it was a chance for so many women to raise their hand and feel like they can talk about what happened to them.

 So many times we don't talk about what happened and people ask why? It's because so many women don't believe anybody would believe them, and maybe it's because the person that did this to us may be a family member or close friend or somebody in the community and how could they possibly ever believe us over them?

So many of us feel ashamed, like we did something wrong, especially if we knew the person.

Did you know that 80% of assaults are on women who know their attacker so of course we feel guilty as if we did something. Maybe we took a ride from them, like I did, maybe we questioned what we did or said, all of these things run through our heads and make us feel somehow like they're the victim and not us.

Of course then if we do speak out, and if you even ever get to trial, then the prosecutor makes you look like a slut and says as much, that it had to be your fault. They batter you with questions like how many men did you sleep with before this? As if that has to do with anything, when you say no then it's no and that should be the end of it.

Many women can't go through that, to already be violated and then have to be violated yet again in public and so that's why so many women never come forward.

You don't understand unless you've been there, you can't imagine how many nights you relive this nightmare in your head. How many times you thought if I only did this or if I only did that. How many times someone that you loved touched you and yet it brought you back to that time and you cringe at their touch.

So many internal wounds that last for so many years and some women never get the help they need. Sometimes it will manifest into different things, it will turn a woman to sleep around as she doesn't care about her body anymore. Sometimes it will turn a woman frigid, she never wants another man to touch her because it constantly reminds her of that night. Some women will just become cold and never trust a man again. Some women like me, turn to drugs and alcohol to try to ease the pain that they keep feeling. They can't talk about it so we try to repress it but eventually it will come out in one way or another

There are so many ways that women deal with sexual assault but this, this media coming down on big time stars that thought that they were untouchable like Bill Cosby. R.Kelly and now Harvey Weinstein, we are all finally getting our day in court. 

I am proud that we stood up and stood together, we spoke our truth and we are finally getting justice. We are all in danger of this happening to us, to a loved one, to someone we know and we must keep this conversation open, we must support each other and know that yes, finally, justice will prevail.

"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed


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