You can change the world with one kind act at a time

You can change the world with one kind act at a time

There are sometimes when you're really down and in those times it seems like God always places someone in my world that makes me remember why I'm here and what my purposes is.

 Recently while talking to an old friend of mine, he told me of this amazing good deed another friend of ours did. See his brothers died suddenly, back when we were still in our teens. They were my best friends for years and died tragically a year apart from each other. His parents didn't have a lot of money  and couldn't afford headstones on their graves. He told me this friend bought them a headstone, to me that was the most amazing, unselfish gift someone could do for their friends.

We were talking and wondering where he was as we hadn't heard from him in years. My friend wanted to thank him for his kindness, so I decided to look him up on Facebook. Of course there were many people with his same name, this couldn't be that easy right? I decided to write a message to all of them and see if they were the person that we grew up with. 

Weeks went by and I haven't heard anything and so I thought maybe it was a lost cause. When all of a sudden I get a message saying "Hey it's me and I can't believe it's you, here's my number, let's catch up"

Of course I called him right away and it was as if no time had passed, we picked up right where we left off and we started to catch up on each other's lives.

Here's the thing that really made me cry, it was when he told me that I was the 1st person that he met in when he moved to our town. He said that I was so kind to him and right away offered my friendship and that touched him so much that he never forgot that, even in all these 40 something years later.

It made me cry because it showed me that you could do something so small, so insignificant to me because I was just being me and being friendly but that act of kindness touched somebody's life that they remembered that 40 years later. 

You will never know what you can do by just being kind to someone, by just smiling or talking or listening to someone. You don't know how much that could change a person or how deeply that can affect a person's life. I Remember my best friend used to laugh at me all the time and tell me that I was like the ASPCA, that I was always bringing strays and inviting them to sit at our lunch table. I just remember thinking, wow these kids are new here, they have no friends and it must be hard to start over in a new school without your friends. Although I never knew that feeling as I was raised in the same town, I always had that sense of compassion for somebody else. 

I was always able to put myself in someone else's shoes and feel what they might be feeling.

See you never know how you're going to pay it forward to somebody. How your kindness will affect somebody else's life, even the smallest amount of compassion or kindness can go a long way when someone is down or hasn't had that from another person in a long time.

 I remember when I was at my lowest point in my life, my mom had just passed away and it was my first Christmas without her. I was getting divorced but we were still living in the same house and it was hell. That week I had the flu so bad that  I couldn't get out of bed for a whole week. I laid there and no one, not even my children had asked me if I wanted even a glass of water. I remember thinking, I'm so unhappy and I don't wanna be here, I had hit rock bottom so I decided I was going to end it all. I wrote letters to my girls and I got all my mother's old pills together and I was going to do it. When all of a sudden I got a Facebook message and I thought who could be messaging me at 12:30 at night on Christmas Eve?

 It was somebody I hadn't spoken to in 30 years and he just said

 "I was thinking about you and how you were always so kind to me growing up and you were such a good friend and if there's anything you ever need, if you ever need to talk call me day or night,here's my number"

 Now I know this was God's intervention and I picked up the phone and I called this man and he had every right to hang up on me as I was in the ugly cry and sounded like a crazy person but he didn't, he talked me off the ledge and that changed my life.

That night I ended up giving my life to God, as I had had nowhere else to turn. Two days later I found my church and my life has been changed ever since. The part about this story I love the most is a year later I was divorced, I'd had my own apartment, I started my own business and my life had changed dramatically. I was happier then I've been in the last 20 years and I decided on Christmas Eve to write a thank you letter to this kind man that saved my life. I Thank him for his kindness, for remembering my kindness and saving my life. About an hour later I got another Facebook message from a different friend who said he went through this horrible divorce. His wife wouldn't let him see his kids, he lost everything and he was at the lowest point of his life. He decided he was going to take his life that night but after reading my blog it gave him hope that his life could change and he wanted to reach out to thank me for sharing my story.

I was blessed enough to pay it forward to somebody else. You never know what your story will do for somebody else. You never know what your compassion can do for somebody, you never know what your kindness and your kind words can do to someone's day.

You can change someone's life in an instant, just by doing or saying something that small and maybe you may think it's insignificant but to that person, who's holding on by a thread, it can change everything for them.

So today my friends, remember everyday we must realize why we here, what is our purpose and how we can change the world. We sometimes think that we're only one person, so how can we change the world? You can change the world by one kind act at a time.

"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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