Why would #45 change the laws about Aexual Assault behind closed doors?
Why would #45 change the laws about Sexual Assault behind closed doors?
Okay, I'm done and so should you, as this is the last straw for me.
The Trump administration quietly changed the definition of both domestic violence and sexual assault back in April, in April!!
But this slimy move has only just surfaced.
In this horrible move, the Trump Justice Department’s definition only considers physical harm that constitutes a felony or misdemeanour to be domestic violence.
So what does that mean? That other forms of domestic violence such as psychological abuse, coercive control and manipulation no longer fall under the department’s definition.
In a article in the Washington Post Holly Taylor-Dunn, a senior lecturer at the University of Worcester who has been working in the field of domestic and sexual violence for 17 years, said she was shocked by the move.
She has worked in frontline roles in the domestic violence sector and used to be a domestic abuse officer for the police. She said the Trump administration’s decision turned the clock back 50 years.
She also went on to say
“I was massively surprised and really shocked, It is quite scary how quietly it has happened. It is a massive step backwards. We have literally gone back to the 70s. We have worked so hard since the 60s and 70s to get domestic abuse and sexual violence understood as being about more than physical violence. Changing the definition to take it back to being about physical harm completely undermines what domestic abuse is about”.
So how does this compare to the previous definition? Th later was more expansive, saying: “Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behaviour that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.”
The Trump administration’s new definition says “the term ‘sexual assault’ means any non-consensual sexual act proscribed by Federal, tribal, or State law, including when the victim lacks capacity to consent.”
Now let me tell you some startling facts, some 43.5 million women have experienced “psychological aggression” from an intimate partner in the US, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More than half of women murdered each year in the US are killed by an intimate partner.
These are the laws we fought so hard to get to protect innocent victims out here.
So tell me what is the purpose of this new sneaky, slimy law? Maybe so it's the next time he does this, he or one of his good old boys can get off easier. Maybe it's so his good ole boys can have an excuse to yet again be sexually predators against women.
Let's be real here people, in his own words he told us how he likes to grab woman's pussies….
A little fact that the women who voted for him seemed to overlook?
Isn't it bad enough that he is changing the laws of our drinking waters and our produce? That he doesn't care about basic human rights for people or even believes that we don't have global warming now?
Wake up people! Look at all he has done or reversed since he has taken office and follow the pieces that are leading us right back to the dark ages!
If you read my blog or follow me you know that I am a big component of speaking out. I was raped when I was 15 after I got the help I needed, I ran a rape crisis center, volunteering for years. I speak out all the time against domestic violence, against rape and sexual abuse because as far as we have come in this world as women, we still have a long way to go in order to have same rights that men have.
Whether you're for #45 or not we all, as women need to take a stand against this new policy because if we don't this will lead us back down the road that we fought so hard to come from. Back to the days of back alley abortions, back to the days where women didn't have the right to vote or didn't have a voice. Listen once you start chipping away at our rights, 1 by 1, we will lose them all.
And for you men out there, think about your wife's, your daughter's, your mothers who this could happen to, wouldn't you want the dirt bag prosecuted to the highest? If you said yes we need to change this.
So today my friends and fellow women out there, I implore all of you to stand up, to speak out, to post this all over your social media pages so that we can change this because if you don't, if we don't speak out to change this then I am afraid for all womankind.
And I ask you who is next?
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