Knock, knock it's your intuition calling
Tgif Treadmill Treats
Knock, knock it's your intuition calling
It's taken me a while to listen to my intuition. Hello! If you you read my blogs you know I am hard headed. But this year my new years resolution is to listen to my intuition more and faster.
So last night when I was invited to speak at a women's club about my business, I was a little nervous, my daughter said she had never seen me nervous and she was right.
I put my whole life out there to thousands of people every day but this was about business, not that I don't know my business, I do and I love what I do but I guess I am more comfortable talking about what I write about.
I remember taking a speech class in college, I thought I would die, my knees would shake, I felt like I would throw up, I never imagined I would be here standing up in front of complete strangers, speaking to them.
I worked all week preparing a speech, then my computer crashed and I lost it, I almost lost my mind! But I painfully rewrote it and I practiced it all week.
So last night when I got up in front of this group of strangers I started off with a small bio about my self, that was off the cuff and it drew in everyone's attention as I went from there into my "prepared speech" I could feel myself losing them.
See it was that intuition kicking in, I could hear "just be yourself, talk from your heart, act as if your with a group of your friends" in my head.
So I scrapped the speech and did just that and all of a sudden I had them back, you could feel the shift. It's funny how when you listen, you can hear it talking to you and then I felt more comfortable, more in my own skin. When I was me I wasn't nervous, but when I wasn't my authentic self everything was off.
This is what I want to do with the rest of my life, I want to write and speak to people, about never giving up, that your never too old to try, to start over, to do anything you set your mind to.
I know more and more doors will open for me, I know that this will definitely happen but I will only be successful if I am my authentic self and only if I listen to my intuition.
How many relationships are we in that we see the red flags, that our intuition is screaming run, Forrest run and yet we poo- poo it away?
How about jobs, when you know its not all it seems to be yet the money draws you in and then bam! You were right 6 months down the line and now your miserable.
Hello! I am the queen of this...
I took not one but two jobs like this where my intuition was screaming but I didn't listen.
The last time, the job was so bad I would actually get hives, as I got off the exit, I couldn't breathe, I watched the clock every 5 minutes because I hated it there and my boss, who ended up being the worst boss I ever had, ever!!
What about men, oh yeah I am good at that don't know him, he's had a hard life, no one understands him, it wasn't his fault... insert bullshit story here.... oh yes, that was me over and over and over again.
Ever notice how kids and animals can judge people? They have an innate sense to judge people and they are right on the money. They don't have the little voice in their head saying no, no..maybe it's not so, they go with their guts and it's always on the mark.
I will never forgot we were in the Tennessee mountains and we found a fishing guide and the morning we were suppose to meet him, I felt sick to my stomach, I couldn't shake this horrible feeling. I thought I need to write a note in case something happened to us, so people would know where we went and with who...Hello if your leaving a note for someone to find your body there is a reason your intuition is telling you something!!
It finally became overbearing and I called the guide and cancelled and as soon as I hung up that awful feeling was gone, just like that.
It's the same feeling you get when you get into a elevator with someone, your hair in the back of your neck stands up, your skin crawls and you just know there is something up with this person, why don't we listen to this God given voice?
Why do we second guess ourselves and our gift? So last night I went with my gut, I was just me...and it worked. The speech turned out great and it gave me such confidence to know, this is definitely my calling, this is my purpose and as long as I follow my gut, as long as I listen to my intuition, it will all be okay.
So today my friends, I am here to tell you, I am living proof that you need to listen, don't second guess yourself, be you, the best you, you can be and know it will all be okay if you do this.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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