Starting off the new year fasting

Hump day Treadmill Treats

Starting off the new year fasting...
The week of the Daniel fast

This week we started our yearly Daniel fast in our church. We do this the first week of the year, we fast and pray for a week, we do so that we may start the year off on the right foot, with God first.

We pray about the up coming year, we give thanks for the previous year and we show our gratitude for all he's done and will continue to do in our lives.
The reason for fasting is that God will take you out of your norm, to cleanse your mind so that you can hear him.

See I need this, I haven't been to church for the last week and half and for me, I need this like a alcoholic needs AA meetings.

This is something that grounds me, it fills my soul, it keeps me going, I need to be here. I am all for what people do to get though their day and if it works for you that's great, keep doing it, but this works for me.

I look forward to this fast, after all the hoildays, all the eating, all the stress, all the parties, I need to cleanse myself, I need to ground myself with what is most important in my life.
This is what works for me, you have to find your own path, I can tell you what got me through but in the end you must find your own way.

We must all walk our own journey, we must all make our own decisions and decided what and to who we must answer to.
I refuse to tell anyone what they can or cannot do, what they must believe in, who am I?
I am a lost soul looking for help, who I am to judge? I have made plenty of mistakes and probably will make plenty more.

I am just trying to do better, be a better person, just trying to live a better life. So this is what I chose to do, I want to start off this amazing new year with a fresh start, a clean heart and body. This is my gift to God after all of his gifts he has given me.

I need to hear his voice, I need guidance in my life, I need to listen because when I don't things go awry. I make horrible  choices especially when it comes to men, oh lord I need a lot of help in that area, so this is why I do this, this is why I come here week after week.

I come to this incredible place, filled with these amazing people who saved my life and continue to encourage me. They make me laugh, they are there with a shoulder to cry on, a prayer when needed and they are a family to me. This is why I keep coming, this is what gets me through.

So today my friends remember do whatever gets you through, do what you feel in your heart, but do something.This is a new year, a new beginning, a time of change...anything is possible if you believe.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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