The best in people
Thursday Treadmill Treats
The best in people
You never know what is going to happen in life, how in one instant your life can change forever. It is in those times when your life changes that you know who your friends are, who people are in their souls, like I was talking about in yesterday's blog .
It is then, people step up or step out of your life. I know first hand about this when I was getting divorced, I lost so many of my "friends" And then the friends I didn't even know that well, like my church family stepped up. I had only been going there for about a year but when they heard I needed help, they rallied together and were there for me. They and so many of my friends helped me pack, they moved me, they helped unpacked and did things around the house for me, I was overwhelmed by their kindness and generosity.
It is times like these, the true warriors come out, people you know you can depend on and then some may just surprise you. Some that you think will never step up, will do so and it will shock you.
Yesterday my boo, who is a contractor fell off the roof of a job and broke his pelvis, I knew right away I had to drop everything and fly back home to help him as he has no family there. He had went through a bad divorce so it was a shock to me that his ex wife would be there to see if he needed anything and to keep him on her insurance until he was through this.
I was overwhelmed by her kindness, that no matter what had happened between them, that she put away her animosity and came to help.
That shows the true soul of a person, kindness from one human being to another, despite the past situation.
I am grateful for her being there for him, as I am so far away and couldn't be. I am glad that they had made peace, that this was truly an unselfish act that will hopefully heal the riff between them and possibly make them friends.
Hey, your thinking (Yes, I can hear my cousins voice in my head now) You can't be friends with your ex's but funny that I wrote a blog on that one too this week. I think you can... I think the same qualities you fell in love with are still there in a person, just now they are there in friendship.
So yes, I am grateful to her and yes, I have nothing against her and yes, I could even be her friend if she would let it come to pass because I am that kind of person, the one who does see the souls of people.
To me its not about jealousy, its not about insecurity, its not about being territorial, its about what is best for that person, put your own stuff aside and want what is best for that person.
Love is love is comes in all forms...but it's all about the same thing, being kind and showing love from one human being to another period. God, if we could all learn this, the world would be such a better place.
So today my friends remember this, people can and will surprise us every day, never underestimate the kindness of a person's heart and always see the good in a person's soul, if you do these things you will be a better person and you will change the world one little step at a time...Remember what I always say....
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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