Saying goodbye to a legend

Hump day Treadmill Treats

Saying goodbye to a legend

Last night President Obama gave his farewell speech and we said goodbye to someone who will go down in history as a legend.

Whether you voted for him or not, if you are Democrat or Republican, if you believed in his policies or hated them, he will still go down in history.

He was our first black President ever, I remember the day he was elected, I have never been so proud of us a country, who would have thought in my lifetime there would ever be a black President or for that matter a women running for president.

This was ground breaking, that we had come from a country full of slavery to serration, to now having a black man run our country. This meant for me change, it meant we as a country were becoming open minded, we were opening our closed minded prejudices, that so many in this country held on to for hundreds of years.

This poor black man and his wife who worked their way through school, that believed anything was possible had now changed the world forever.
They not only become the first family but also the first family that went through 8 years without scandal, they raised two beautiful girls in front of our eyes, they showed love and romance to the world, they worked out together, laughed together, changed the world together and I have never been so proud of a first family.

This president gave hope to poor black children, but not just that, to all children of color, all children of different nationalities, even little girls. He gave them hope that one day if they worked hard enough and if they believed, that they too could become president of the United States.

As he gave his farewell speech he was yet again eloquent, he was still here telling us to listen to people unlike ourselves, he was a real man while he was passing the torch to the next president.

So we say goodbye to this legend, we thank him for the change he made, for the history he has made, for the sacrifice he has made to serve us for the last 8 years and we say a prayer for the next one coming to office.

We have no idea what is going to come or what is going to happen, all we can do is pray he will carry himself with class and respect like our President Obama did.

My hope for the next four years is that we become more compassionate, we become more accepting and we become more tolerant of people who are different, people who have different views...this is America people, the land of diversity, the land of the free...Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to believe what you want let's remember that as we start off this year with a new president.

So today my friends remember all of our presidents were neither all good or all bad, they all came, they did what they believed in, they changed the world we live in, one step at a time, one act at a time and they will all go down in history.

Today we say goodbye to a man who made history and did so with class and honor...Farwell President Obama, thank you for changing the world, thank you for making us believe that anything is possible if you will be missed...

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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