It's all in your attitude

It's all in your attitude

If you read my blogs you know I am a single mom doing the single mom hustle. I work 3 jobs (until this writing pays my day)
Back to what I was saying, one of my jobs is doing hair in an assisted living facility one day a week. I have all kinds of clients in there, from all ages, I even have a lady who is 102!

The funny thing is I notice since I've been going there is their attitude, some of them are so sweet, they are kind, always with a smile or positive attitude no matter how sick they are or what they have been through in their lives. I heard stories about the great depression, the war, and how some of them escape their countries to come here just to pick cotton to survive. Yes, these people had hard lives but still manage to keep their great attitudes.

And then there are the others, the ones like my grandmother who are mean and nasty, never happy, and always have a negative attitude. Yes, every day they have to say something about how this isn't right or that isn't the way it should be. They probably have been this way all of their lives and age just made them meaner, because they had more time to dwell on how unfair their lives have been.

Yes, we all have our own problems I always say insert your sob story here...
It's true, we all have a story and even when you think your sob story is the worst, there is always someone out there with the worst sob story. My aunt use to say if you put your troubles at the table with a  bunch of other people, you'd be fast to take yours back and it's true, there is always the worst story that someone's gotten through but it's how you've come out on the other side that matters.

Do you still carry around the anger and bitterness of would haves...could haves...should haves?
Do you say "I should have been promoted, I should have had a better childhood, I should have picked a better man and because life didn't give me the perfect life I think I should have had, I am still pissed"

Do you hold on to past hurts? Are you never willing to forget and forgive even when it happened 40 years ago?
My high school sweetheart still goes on about things that people did to him 30 years ago, I tell him all the time, to be like the movie Frozen and let it go! Thirty years? Please, let it go already and if I have to hear it one more time I'm going to let my foot go right up your ass! Omg I'm sick of hearing about it, aren't you sick of hearing yourself talk about it? Yes, I would have loved to have the perfect life I had before I turned 15 but it was what it was, it was the cards I was dealt, the cards I was handed and I had to play, like it or not.

I don't hate men even though I have even reason to...after being raped and then the list of Jugheads I've picked since then or being mad because I grew up so poor, or because everyone I've loved was taken away from me or the many other unfair things I had to go through, yes, I could hold on to the hurts, to all of the anger. I have every reason to but I chose...oh there's that word again...I chose to let it go, to forgive, to look for the lessons in each hurt and learn from them. Just like my blog yesterday, I thank them for the pain because it made me stronger, it made me who I am today.

It's a choice, I chose not to be like my grandmother and the people I deal with week after week. I chose to look at all the amazing things that I have, that have happened in my life. I chose to be happy and grateful because I know it could have been and was another way.

So today my friends, I am here to tell you... GET OVER IT!
Pull up your big girl or big boy panties and let it go!
Life is way too short to hold on to bullshit, to the past.

Look this is why the front windshield is so big and your rearview mirror is so small because you need to see all the amazing stuff in front of you and not keep looking in the past.
You get to choose, you can either be the miserable old person in the nursing home still complaining or you can be the sweet old happy person, always with a smile...the choice is yours...pick wisely... besides the fact that your end up sitting in your own shit longer...literally.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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