The lessons I've learned in 2018
The lessons I learned in 2018
2018 has been a tough year just ask anyone and they will say they were glad to see this year finished.
But I always say that things don't just happen to you, they happen for you, for a reason, a lesson. It is up to you to try to figure out what the lesson is and what you do with that knowledge.
This year wasn't any different, I had a lot of lessons. Starting out 2018 with a tough decision to throw my daughter out of my house so that hopefully she would grow up.
I also learned that everything happens for a reason and this time alone with my little one made me and her closer. To heal past hurts between us.
It paid off when my big one learned the lesson and went back to school, got a great job and went to Europe all on her dime, all this year.
I endured financial difficulties all year, set back in business and in my personal life as well.
I learned to finally know my self worth with men when I walked away from someone I was with for over a year, knowing this wasn't going where I needed it to go.
I've learned about friendships as some friends walked away without as so much as a fight.
I learned forgiveness when a friend who did me wrong came back and apologized and when my rapist came at me after all these years with a what's doing??
As I told him I forgave him, I learned I still needed to work on some issues I thought I was over but clearly wasn't.
I learned to set goals, dreams and to achieve them as I started off this year with my 12 of 12 list. 12 vacations in 12 months and I did it!!
I learned, yet again as I am hard headed, that not everyone has my heart and I need to get past that once and for all.
I learned that God got jokes when he sent me the perfect man, only to fall in love and find out that he wants kids. Obviously I learned to ask a lot of questions up front the next time.
But in meeting him and falling in love, I learned how a real man is suppose to treat you like. How real love without boundaries feels like and how when you truly love someone you put them in front of your own needs. He taught me I was worthy of a man stepping up and how the others were fools.
I learned that a broken heart, as bad as it may feel will heal and will love again. I learned that even after being hurt, I will continue to see the best in people.
I learned that I am a survivor, I am tough and I will get through whatever life throws at me because of my faith in God. Even if I question him, get mad at him and wonder when is time season coming. I still know he has me and it is coming, on his time and not mine. I learned that I can go through the storms and still praise him, still be grateful for what he has done and continues to do.
I learned that I am not perfect (Okay, I've always knew that one) but that God still loves me and this is me.... warts and all. This is my purpose to show this to the world with my writing. To give hope to others when they have none. To inspire others with all that I've been through, to speak his word and be one of his toughest soldiers even when I don't want to or don't feel like it.
I learned that he only gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers and that this is my destiny.
So today my friends, ask yourself what are the lessons you've learned from 2018? What did you do to change? To make a difference? To inspire? To motivate?
To give?
Did you see this year as shit that happened to you or for you? Lessons you needed to learn or things that came against you?
See it's all in how you see things.....
You can look at it as a bad thing or you can try to find the good in it. It's all up to you...
And as I say in the end of every blog....
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**
***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
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