Today we celebrate Martin Luther King day
Today we celebrate Martin Luther King
I don't understand why the world is the way it is, why do we not celebrate a person's accomplishments when they are alive. Why is it that a painter is not truly famous until they die? Or a actor who has giving kodos for their work until after they are gone?
In everyday life it is the same, we don't bring flowers to people until after they are dead and can no longer smell them. We don't tell them how much they mean to us or how great we think they are until it's too late and we are crying at their funeral, filled with regret.
Martin Luther King was a great man, he had an incredible message of peace and hope.
He stood up to tell the world that we can all live together, Black, White, Indian, Asian, it doesn't matter what color we are, we are all the same.
He did this in a time when the country was the most divided, yet he had the courage to speak his message of hope.
He saw people for people, he didn't see race or religion and he wasn't afraid to preach this message. He was an incredible man and humanitarian and his life and words changed the world as everyone saw it.
Yet when he was alive he didn't have such an impact as when his live was cut short, by a crazed man who didn't agree with his message of peace.
It was after his death that his words came to mean so much more to so many. His words never changed throughout his life so why did we only truly hear them after his death?
The old saying, you never know what you have until it's gone, comes to mind and unfortunately it's true.
Life is too short, you need to let go of your hate of another human being based on race or religion. We are all the same. We all bleed red, we are all just trying to make it. We all want a better life for our children, so why must we hate someone who is different from ourselves? Why can't we celebrate the fact that we are not all the same?
That diversity is a good thing, that people's cultures and ceremonies are a thing to be celebrated not to be hated.
So today my friends, let's celebrate that fact that we are free, that I am allowed to worship in a church with my black friends and that there is no more segregation. That everyone is equal, just like he dreamed about and preached about all those years ago.
Let's keep his dream alive by telling the people in your life today how much they mean to you and how their words and their life, effect yours.
Don't wait till its too late, change the way you see others, judge them for their hearts and not by their color. Except people who are different. Be a messenger of peace to the world. Change the world, one message of peace at a time and in doing that we can all keep his message alive.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The blessing in disguise.... revealed**
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