The harder the battle the sweeter the success

The harder the battle, the sweeter the success

Sometimes we want things but we aren't ready to put in the work to get there, to get them.

Did you know that it takes a Chinese bamboo tree five years to grow?
In order for it to grow you must water and fertilize it everyday for those 5 years. That's a lot of time and energy to put into growing something and that's a lot of work but it will pay off because when that bamboo tree starts to grow it will grow 90 feet in 5 weeks.

So how long does it take to grow this bamboo tree? 5 weeks or 5 years?  The answer is, it takes 5 years because if at anytime you stopped watering and fertilizing this bamboo tree, it would have died in the ground.

I love this analogy as it reminds me of people's dreams because sometimes, even for me, you're doing something over and over and over again for years and you're not getting any recognition.You've been working it and it's seems like you're not going anywhere.

So many people see singers and say "Oh look, they are a overnight success"
Trust and believe, they weren't a overnight success, it's just that no one saw the late nights that this person put in, traveling to crappy clubs, setting up and breaking down. Traveling all around trying to get gigs, promoting themselves every day. Working late nights, long hours away from their families because they believe in their dreams. They just see his success at the end, but what you don't see is all that they put into getting there.

That's with anything in life, if everything was easy we'd all be successful, we all be billionaires but it takes a lot of hard work.

It takes passion, it takes work, it takes a commitment even if no one is listening, even if it feels like it not going anywhere.

It's hard, it's difficult but it's worth it.
I been writing for years, I say all the time I will be a New York times bestselling author and even if I don't have it now, I will still keep writing until I get there.
Because I believe that this will happen and I will continue to write until I get there.

I have committment, I have a dream, I will win and I know it will be hard, that I will have disappointments, that I will be knocked down, hell in my case many times but I will continue. I will keep on, keep on because I can see the finish line even if no one else can see it, I can see it.

So today my friends remember march forth, keep watering the seeds of your dreams, give it love and attention even if no one else sees the process going on under ground, you know that tree is growing, that it is coming and when it breaks through, when it finally happens, it will blast off, it will grow that 90 feet in 5 weeks.
Because the harder the battle, the sweeter the success.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
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