Plug into God's plan

Plug into God's plan

You must plug into something in your life. So let me ask you who do you look to for strength? Who do you look to for encouragement? For wisdom?
Many people look to other things to plug into and not to God.
But God has big plans for our lives, he has ideas about our life and what he wants for it.

There are things you must do in order to plug into God, if you want to change your life, you first need to read the word. His word will tell you all you need to know to change. God wants you to follow him, he knows you can change.
Trust and believe that God is so passionate about his ideas for your life, about change in your life that he even wrote bible verses about it.

"For I know the plans I have for you for welfar and not for evil but to give you a future and a hope.

He's not there to condemn you, to put you down but to take care of you, to give you all you need to change. Nothing can block it or stop it because God said it, he has plans for you.
God is your main source that makes all things for your good.

Yes, I get that there were set backs, moments of disappointments, there were many things coming at you at once but no one can stop what he has for you.

You need not to panic, you don't need to lose sleep, you don't have to stress,  because you know that God's got your back.
Don't get it twisted,  it's not because of your human efforts that you've come this far, it's not  because you have a degree or you got a  healthy report or because you got a job, it's because God is watching out for you.

In times of need sometimes our family can't help us, our friends can't help us, only God can help us.

Don't make God a part time God, no matter what is going on, it doesn't matter if the storms are coming at you, remember that God is your only source.

Personal accomplishments don't matter, getting "likes" or followers doesn't matter, only God matters.
Plug yourself into God who makes all things possible.
When you realize your current source isn't giving you want, what you need, then who will you turn to? Who is your source? Who are you putting your confidence in?
If your souce is fueled by your own abilities, your own ambitions then your never going to find your true strength.

I don't depend on people, I don't depend on outside things, I depend on God, he is my only source.

It is my faith in God that had brought me to this point. Through the tough times, while I cried while I was in the storms, yet through it all my faith was in God.
He is my source, I know he will take care of me even though the storms, even though the hard times, he comforts me.

"For the word of the lord is upright
Blessed is the man who trust in the lord"

"Those who seek the lord lack no good thing"

Many if you have let the twist and turns of life turn you towards other sources but I am here to tell you that everything is possible. Anything is possible, if you believe that all things are possible in Christ our lord. But you first must plug into God.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
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