There is something about my hometown

There is something about my hometown

Recently a bunch of my friends have been posting on Facebook. I don't know where or who started it but it starts off saying things like I'm Joe Roder old or I'm Down under old, I'm bagel bakery old.

These are different places that we remember growing up in this small town. If you never grew up in a small town it's a whole different ball game. I went from kindergarten to college with the same kids. We still are all friends on Facebook and in real life, so much so that when I go home we all get together, always.

Most of these hometown friends I speak to every week, we know our families, we know everything about each other.
There is nothing like a small town where everybody knows your name and knows you back when you were a snot-nosed kid, or  you were a troublemaker, or you were smoking pot at the well in the woods.

Well, it seems to caught on and now everyone is doing this on Facebook. It has brought back so many wonderful memories of my hometown. Places we use to go to smoke pot, dance clubs we danced the night away in. Restaurants we meet our first loves in or talked to each other for hours in.
Parks we played in, candy stores we spent our dollars in, all of the places and memories that made our small town amazing. It started us reminiscing about all of these places and people that shaped us into who we are today.

There was something magical about this place, it was in the country but only an hour or so from Manhattan.
It was the original place of "Dirty dancing" with big resorts and bungalow colony's.
The fantastic Catskill mountains, in all of it's glory and that was where I grew up.

For such a small town we were pretty progressive for our time and maybe it was the fact we were so close to the city and that so many of us came from the city.

Whatever the reason, we were opened minded, more so than many other small towns. We had gay families, we had interracial families, we had Black, Jewish, Chinese, gay, drag queens all living together up here. I always talk about my mother's dining room table and how she opened up our home to everyone, shit it looked liked the United nations during the hoildays, around our table.

It was also breathtaking, the forests, the streams and the lakes. The waterfalls, the trails that went on for miles, all of the beauty of the county was our back yard.

You couldn't get away with anything as someone knew your parents and would tell them. Parents watched out for others children,  neighbors helped each other out, it was like a television show.
We played in the streets and in the woods all day and if you ask anyone who grew up there they will tell you that, there was something special about this place.

Even though so many of us moved far away, the feelings, the friendships and the love for our hometown remains.

Every year I go home for 10 days, yes. I could go anywhere in the world but I chose to go home. When I see the mountains and smell that fresh air I know I am home and so does my soul.
Whenever things happen in my life, I run home because there I can find the answers, the woods, the streams, the trees know my heart and soothe my soul.

I may have moved thousands of miles away, I may have been in south Florida for 27 years but Monticello, New York will always be my home.

I will always be Broadway old, Dillion road old, Dehoyes park old...
I will always be my hometown old.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:


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