Not just following the flock
Not just following the flock
I've always been one to follow the beat of my own drummer. I never really was a follower, I was more of a leader and this goes for all aspects of my life. I've taught my girls to always dance to their own drummer, ask questions, and follow their gut instincts. I did the same thing recently at a checkup, I found out that I had high cholesterol, and right away, without even a discussion with me, my doctor wants to put me on medication.
Now mind you he didn't ask me, he just told me like he was God and I had to listen. Let's not even go there because he actually thought he was God as he was a condescending schmuck but that's beside the point. He actually told me when I was telling him I was having stomach problems that it was because I didn't eat enough rice and beans. Seriously?? I can't make this shit up people! But I live in Miami, what can I expect. Anyway, I told him that before I took any kind of medication I would need to know the name of it and do some research about it. I want to know how long has it been on the market? What kind of side effects it has? The benefits of it, versus the side effects, etc. These are things I need to know because I am not a guinea pig for the government and I don't care if it's FDA-approved, that means nothing to me except how much money they got in their pockets from the drug manufacturers.
He got all indignant with me and said he knew what was best and he had been prescribing this to everyone. Well wake up and smell the Cafecito doctor! That ain't me, I'm just not following the flock, I am the doctor of my own health. I'm all about doing your research, this is your life, this is your body, this is your ailment and you need to be involved and not just follow what the doctors prescribe or tell you.
Listen, most of the doctors out here are going off of the drug companies' reps that come in with the pretty girls in short skirts bearing gifts for them. They are there to peddle their drug of the month and this is how it works, this is a 333-billion-dollar business. Yes, you read that right 333 billion, with a capital B. Maybe, if these doctors are lucky they get five minutes of the highlights of the "new" drugs that they are trying to peddle before the pretty girls are off to the next office, peddling their goods there. Then there's so much on TV about ask your doctor about this prescription, or that prescription
You've seen the ads:
"Ask your doctor if is right for you"
Why are you asking your doctor what is right for you? Because these million-dollar ads tell you to? These drug companies are only out for their bottom lines and they do not care about you or your disease. Most of these drugs that they're trying to peddle have more side effects than what you actually have. Listen, if you can, to the announcer at the end that talks a hundred miles per hour and he will tell you this may cause your leg to fall off, may cause you to go blind, grow another ear, glow in the dark but your thinking "I only have a rash? Now my leg is going to fall off? Wtf?"
No one seems to take a stance against these drug companies because it is big money and no one has enough balls to do it. Every other country has a cap on what drug companies can charge but us, why is that? Because we are corrupt and it's all about the bottom line and not our health. The doctors in this country have put the whole country under a drug-induced fog, they are prescribing painkillers like they are aspirin not to mention all the other drugs that we don't need.
I remember when my girls were younger and the drug companies came out with the shot for "ovarian cancer" I refuse to let my girls get that shot because they are not guinea pigs for the government. I told my pediatrician that if the drug had been on the market for longer than 15 or 20 years and I knew that there were no side effects then maybe then I would think about it. Until then I'm not going to give my girls a shot that maybe in three years they might grow another ear because the FDA was so fast to push this through because the drug companies gave them so much money in their pockets, this is the reality so wake up people!!
We need to be our own advocates, we need to know what is going on in these medicines that are going in our bodies. Do not blindly follow these doctors because they have letters after their names, you must be your own advocate, you must do your own research, you need to know what is the drug and how long these drugs have been on the market, and what the side effects are. We must look for healthy alternatives, change of lifestyle, more exercise, eating better, or combine the best of both worlds with Eastern and Western medicine but do not just blindly take what some doctor or now some P.A. who is overworked and underpaid, seeing a hundred patients a day is handing you.
So today my friends remember, just because they are doctors does not make them God, this is your health, this is your life and you are entitled to know exactly how best to take care of yourself, do not just follow the flock.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
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