A reason to bring us together

A reason to bring us together

I wrote last week about yet another death of a black man. How police shot an unarmed black man in the back 7 times, yet another senseless killing. After this terrible tragedy that shook us yet again I wanted to take this week to write about love, compassion and tolerance for people who aren't like you. For our brothers and sisters in the human race, who believe in different religions, who have different ideas and beliefs, who are a different color or have different sexual preferences.

I want to try to make sense out of this senseless crime, I want to still believe that we are all good, that there are still good people in this world. That maybe, just maybe we can forgot about being gay, being straight, being black, being Latino and remember that we are all just humans.

I want us to remember it was someone's son, someone's daughter, someone's loved one who's life was cut down by someone's else's intolerance.

It's amazing that even though we are different, we are truly the same inside.

Maybe it took these tragedies to open our eyes as a nation, maybe such senseless loss of lives made us realize we are more alike than different. Maybe we are just so sick of this continuing to happen that it was the straw that broke the camel's back. Whatever it was, we are not going to just sit by and let it happen anymore.

That a life is a life, not a black life, a white life, a gay life, a straight life...it is a life and no body should be able to kill someone because of their differences. We are all human beings, we all all the same underneath, we all bleed red. That is what made this country so great, that people ran, they swam, they risked their lives to come here, to give their families a better life, in a country that gave them freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of religious persecution, freedom to do or be anything you choose to be, if you worked hard enough.

The diversity of each culture, the food, the customs they brought with them, they made this country unique, we were all here for a better life, and so we embrace our differences.

Maybe I have such a open mind because I grew up in the melting pot of the world, New York. Where every immigrant had to come, from every country, to get into the United States.

I grew up around Italians, Jewish, Indian, Irish, Iranians, Polish, you name it, we had the world's melting pot and it was all good.

I ate all kinds of different foods, learned different cultures, I was amazed at the things they did, things we never heard of. These shared things brought us closer, our differences made us learn about them and them about us.

This created a bond of friendship because we took the time to learn about them, we took the time to learn who they truly were in their hearts, in their souls. We were interested in their way of life and the fact we were all foreigners in a foreign land, bonded us together.

But somehow we lost this, it's all of a sudden "our country" and "we" don't want outsiders in anymore. Hello! We are all the "outsiders" all of us, all of our grandparents or great grandparents weren't from here. But they wanted to be here so bad, they risked everything to come here. They started over with nothing just to be here, so you and your privileged self can have everything you have.

We no longer know about hard work, helping another human being out, about compassion, no it's a all about me world now. No wonder no one is so fast to come here anymore, it's not about the great speech on the Statue of Liberty

"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:

I lift my lamp beside the golden door"

Emma Lazarus

It is no longer a place that opens up our hearts or homes for others who have none. We have lost our compassion for others.

So today my friends, we need to remember these words... We need to open our doors, our minds and our hearts, once again and remember that we are one, we are humans, we live and breathe, we laugh and we cry, all the same. We feel pain, we feel sorrow, we feel joy and for some of us left, we have compassion…

This is who we all are in our core...we are all the same...

Let's not let these tragedies be in vain.... let's instead let this bring us closer together.

"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Now released my latest book**

The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed


***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

Selling on my website



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