Yet another innocent shooting of a black man

Yet another innocent shooting of a black man 

I am sad to have to write about yet another innocent shooting of a black man by the hands of yet another police officer.

Jacob Blake was shot in the back multiple times, in broad daylight, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. He was killed for trying to break up a domestic violence fight and was walking back to his car when the police grabbed him and shot him several times in the back, right in front of his 3 children that were in the car.

As I watched this video in horror,  my heart was breaking, why? Why was this happening yet again? Didn't we just go through    George Floyd's senseless death that we watched with our own eyes? And Breonna Taylor's senseless death in her own house, in her own bed? And now this, another senseless shooting in front of his own children, this has to stop! 

When will this stop? When will we change the laws in this country? When will we have more background, more mental health checks on officers, as it is harder to become a hairstylist than it is to become a police officer in this country. Wtf is that?

We need to start making changes in the system, which is clearly broken and we need to start by first getting rid of qualified immunity. Qualified immunity is a judicial doctrine that protects officers who violate someone’s constitutional rights from civil-rights lawsuits unless the officers’ actions were clearly established as unconstitutional at the time.

The second thing Congress could do is pass legislation to get better data collection about what police do and how they do it. We need to know how often American police use force, why force was used, whether it was justified, or it is effective.

We need more police training, local policy initiatives, and administrative reviews. Police agencies around the country regularly fail to meet what are generally recognized as minimum standards for use-of-force and arrest training, frontline supervision, and internal investigation. 

They shouldn't be allowed to keep their pension, to be reprimanded of past actions and then move to another city to do it again. We should have more intense background checks to see their motives about becoming a police officer. We need checks on violent past incidents, if they follow hate groups, what they believe in because all of this affects their behavior when they get the power of the badge.

And yet still nothing….after the riots, the protesting, the outcry of the world, still another innocent black man has been killed in cold blood yet again. I will tell you what is wrong, the people that we pay their salaries in office continue to let this go on. Hell, even the person that runs our country has not said anything because he is backed by the KKK (those nice people) as he spoke of. 

He has allowed this nation to bring out their sheets from the back of their closets where they've been hiding and now it's okay to be a racist.

We already know that he and his cronies won't change the system, so we need to stand up and put people in power that know the struggles, that are for change, that are for the people and not their pockets.

We need to make a change and we need to do it now in November!

We can no longer give this lip service, if you can go out and riot, if you went out and protested, if you can go out to bars and restaurants during this pandemic then you can sure as hell get out and vote these people out. We the people make the laws, we the people pay the salaries of these crooks, we the people have the power to change things, don't allow this to keep happening, make the change, be the change.

We need this to stop now! 

I am here to join Jacob's family, friends, and neighbors in hoping that he will not succumb to his injuries and that this will not be in vain, and that this will be the  catalyst for change.

"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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