The stupid things we've all said

The stupid things we've all said

Recent Nick Cannon got fired over some things he said involving Jewish people. Now I know we live in this time where everyone is overly sensitive over everything and maybe what he said was out of line. But it got me thinking that lately we cannot say anything without offending someone, it's just getting crazy. 

My feelings on this are that we've all said or done something that we wished we hadn't. We've all said "Dam, I wish I wouldn't have done that or said that" 

How many nights have we lost sleep thinking I should have said this or what a schmuck I am, 

beating yourself up for hours. Look we have all done this… every single one of us, sometime in our life has said something that was stupid. We've said something that was unkind, uncalled for, or uncharacteristic from who we really are. And if you said you haven't, your lying or delusional.

Does that mean that we should be beat up for it forever, should that label stick forever? I know one of my favorite verses is "He without sin cast the first stone" none of us are without sin, we all are human and we all make mistakes but owning up to your mistakes and learning a lesson makes you grow, it makes you a better person at the end of the day.

I have personally screwed up big time, getting mad and letting my feelings take over my brain on more than a few occasions especially here in my blog. Times when I was hurt and I lashed out on this platform where I shouldn't. I am lucky enough to have my cousin Carol, to always come slap some reality into me and call me out on my shit. I then have to step back and check myself, I have to take a long, hard look at the truth and admit that I was wrong, admit that what I said came from a place of hurt and pain. Maybe came from a place where I was being inconsiderate to someone else's feelings but I have to own my stupid comments and apologize for them in public, on social media, in front of lots and lots of people. 

It is hard to admit you did or said something stupid, it's even harder when the world sees it but that's what being a grown up is, it's admitting you screwed up and fixing it, making it right. It's about learning a lesson, becoming a better person in spite of your screw ups and having the knowledge to never do that again. To stop and think, to take a deep breath, to walk away until you calm down, it's about being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes before you open your big mouth.

Screwing up gives you the perspective you might otherwise not have.

So today my friends, don't be so fast to judge someone, especially if you know that it could be you in their position. Don't label them this or that just because they screwed up once. Trust and believe people will constantly show their true colors, but everyone will occasionally say or do the wrong thing. We can all look back at a time and thought look at the stupid things I've said but as long as we are growing and learning then that's is all that matters. Have some compassion because we all have been there.

"Be the change you want to see"


"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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