The last day in office, ding dong the witch is dead.

The last day in office, ding dong the witch is dead.

According to the New York Times, last week The House adopted a single article of impeachment, voting 232 to 197 to charge Trump with “inciting violence against the government of the United States” and requesting his immediate removal from office and disqualification from ever holding one again.

Republicans, who stood unanimously behind Mr. Trump in 2019 during his first impeachment, were split over the charge this time with many now speaking out against him and what he did to incite the storming of the Capitol.

The House’s vote was historic. Only two other presidents have been impeached; none has been impeached twice, by such a large bipartisan margin, or so close to leaving office.

So let's look over the last horrible four years before we bid farewell to the all time worst President of our country.

I won't get into all he has done in the past, like how many people he screwed over, how many bankruptcies he had, how he has no respect for women, stating how he grabs them by their pussys. His making fun of people with disabilities or the lack of compassion for the black community, we already knew about all of that and you still thought it was okay and voted him in.

But what has he done while in office, here's a list:

1.He withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement, stating there are no climate problems.

2.His Attacks on the Affordable Care Act

3. He tried to undo anything Obama touched, from Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals to the Clean Power Plan, but his all time go-getter was to end Obamacare, something he couldn’t do legislatively, so he turned to the courts. With no replacement plan in place other than the “great plan” that for four years he never came up with.

4. His…and there’s no other way to say it…Racism

From 1989 when he took out ads in newspapers,calling for five black and Latino teenagers to be put to death for a crime they’ve since been exonerated for.

He kept it going on until today.

“I have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks,” Trump told Albany’s Talk 1300 in April 2011 as he mulled a run for the presidency.

 ‘I am the least racist person there is’

'I've done more for blacks than Lincoln"

Or how about his Proud Boys statement that sparked more hate.Trump said it's members should "Stand back and standby."

And then his all time Make Racism Great Again comment after a rally organized by a white nationalist in Charlottesville in 2017, saying there were “very fine people on both sides.”

5. The pandemic 

He’s made fun of people for wearing masks, undercut his own scientists, concealed information that the virus was airborne, off-handedly wondered if injecting disinfectant might treat the virus, and then left it to the States to figure out 50 separate plans to combat the virus, often undercutting their efforts with statements like “liberate Michigan!” 

The death toll from the virus has surpassed 225,000, and the president’s response during all of this was to pretend it was over, downplaying the virus and hosting his own super-spreader events, often flaunting local regulations to do it.

6. His Hugely Regressive Changes to the Tax Code

The Tax Cut and Jobs Act was a hugely regressive change to a tax code that already had set its highest bracket at half of what it was in the 1950s. The biggest winners were those making more than $500,000/year, while adding a “pass-through loophole” that allows business owners to take huge deductions and cut corporate taxes by a third, while doing almost nothing for most Americans. 

7. His policies against foreigners 

Starting with his removal of protective status from 59,000 Haitians and forced deportation during a pandemic? His legal attacks on DACA that threatened Dreamers with deportation to countries. The round-ups of undocumented workers at farm processing plants? Or ICE deporting U.S. veterans, we can't decide which is worst.

8.His Lies

They’re almost impossible to keep track of, but The Washington Post has put in the work, detailing 22,247 false or misleading claims through Aug 2020. And here's what they had to say about it.

Although many politicians say things that are wrong,Trump’s relationship to reality is out of this world. From the moment he took office and falsely claimed that his inauguration crowd was the largest in history, he has been America’s Liar-in-Chief, claiming that he’s done more for African-Americans than any other president since Abraham Lincoln (um, Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act), making up “facts” about election fraud to cast doubt on the 2020 election, and putting words in his opponent’s mouths—like that Joe Biden wants to defund the police or that he called young Black males “superpredators” (that, for the record, was Hillary Clinton). This is a man who used to call up papers pretending to be his own publicist, exaggerating his own wealth and claiming that Obama wasn’t born in the U.S. His lies don’t even raise an eyebrow anymore, we’ve become so used to it.

And that my friends is why we are so happy that in less than 24 hours this "man" will be gone.

We have had enough of the lies, of his narrostic, crazy, selfish behavior. We are sick of being the laughing stock of the world and we want to heal from all the brokenness he has caused in our country.

We can only hope that the next four years will have more peace, more diversity and more compassion for all human beings.

We need to be the change we want to see.

"Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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