Stepping out on faith
Stepping out on faith
So this week during our yearly fast I have shared stories about not giving up, about faith, about holding on as I know for many people this year has been extremely rough. And I also know about hard times but I also know about my faith and how far it has taken me.
I have been told I have crazy faith and yes, I do, it is a faith my Bishop taught me.
I saw his crazy faith and what it has done for him. Childless for 16 years, yet they never let go of faith. They had no money yet listened when God told them to go to the grocery store, being obedient he went and filled up a cart with food, then got on line and just as God promised someone paid for his food. So many crazy testimonials he has told over and over again that made me believe.
Yes, I wanted to have that crazy faith but in order to find it you must walk out into the darkness, into the wilderness and believe.
So when I was getting divorced I started a new business with no steady income to support me or my girls and no alimony to fall back on. I only got 250.00 a month for both girls in child support and as most single moms will tell you that's not even enough for a week's worth of food for 2 teenagers.
But I knew God would take care of me and he did. He made my business take off from nothing and when I prayed about a home for me and my girls, I was asking for a rental I could afford.
But he had bigger dreams for me than I had for myself.
One fell into my lap and I went for a mortgage knowing full well I didn't have enough time in my business to get approved, but guess what? I got approved. When my deal fell through with my landlord and even though I was crushed, I knew he had a bigger and better plan for me and then bam! I got a home that was 40,000 cheaper! Really?? In this market? Unheard-of! I had already been out bidded on 3 other homes that went for above asking price before he gave me this one!
Yes, I have sick faith, I wasn't worried, I didn't lose sleep stressing over it, I knew he would show up and show out and he did.
Am I human? Absolutely I sometimes was scared and wondered what was going to happen but then I remembered how many other incredible things happened in my life and I let it go.
You might be out there today reading this, maybe you're in a horrible marriage like I was, maybe you've hit rock bottom, maybe the pandemic hit you hard and you lost faith..
Maybe as this year came to a close and all that you wished for, prayed for didn't come to pass....yet! That is the keyword YET!
I remember I thought I was ready to leave my marriage, but it wasn't to be yet... no, I had to wait it out 4 years before it was to be but that 4 years taught me patience, it taught me strength, it showed me how strong I truly was, it wasn't my time, I had to wait and trust in God for the right time and so maybe right now isn't your time... YET!
That doesn't mean to give up, to think your dreams aren't coming, that all you believed and prayed for wasn't heard, it's coming, trust me. I couldn't and didn't imagine that I would own my own home, that wasn't even part of my dreams yet there it is.... incredible! I can remember when I was first getting divorced, I didn't think I could take care of myself and my girls. How was I going to do this… I get it, you're afraid, the unknown is scary but you must learn crazy faith and trust and believe you will be alright.
As far as the future goes for me...yes, I have even bigger dreams I am dreaming! A New York Times bestselling book, doing what is my purpose, writing my blog full time, doing speaking engagements, telling others never to stop believing, dream big, then dream bigger!
So today my friends, I know this year has been rough. I know you're on your last nerve, you are tired of struggling, of hard times, of fake men, of life in general but I am here to tell you don't give up.
Hold on to that mustard seed of faith, put it out there, believe it, see it, imagine it as if it has already happened and never give up hope, take the step, step out in faith....and just believe!!
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website
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