Why is it okay to come at strangers?

Why is it okay to come at strangers?

So my question today is why is it okay to come at people? To come at strangers, people you don't even know or never met? When did it start being okay to be an out and out hater? To call people names, to be out right mean and nasty to another human being?

With the age of social media it seems to be socially acceptable to do this. To be the "Karens" of the internet, to not just disagree with a person's ideas but to  actually demean a person, disgrace a person because your views are different from theirs.

Recently I wrote about why people were so angry, and yes, I said I was too because of all the hate and racism going on in the world. Well some hater came at me with both barrels and called me every name in the book including a racist just because his views didn't align with mine. 

That part actually made me laugh and it will be funny to all of my friends as well, who really know me.

See it's obvious he has no idea who I am, the real me, and it is also obvious he doesn't follow me because if he did he would realize just how laughable that was. To tell you the truth early on I would have been upset, I would have let him have it but these days not so much. I realized we all have our opinions, they're like assholes we all have one and so I let it go with a "Thanks for the love" comment.

See I'm not about to waste my time with haters, if you are out in the public eye, you will sooner or later have them. Now you can waste your precious time fighting with them or you can learn what I have this year, that you will never change their minds and just move the hell on. 

See I don't really care about your opinion, write your own blog, this is, as far as I still know, still America, the land of the free. We still have freedom of speech and I will continue to use mine, whether or not you like it.

Want to hear my opinion? Well if you don't there are plenty of other blogs to follow. My opinion is that there has to be something missing in your life, something lacking, something broken that you could come at someone with hatred and such bitterness about their own opinions. Maybe it's a God complex thing, that you feel you are better than someone else and so your opinion is the end all to be all.

Maybe you're narrostic and have to always be right and so you must make it your mission to make sure everyone out there knows how right you are and how wrong you think they are.

And of course you need to do this by cutting others down, trying to make them feel bad by demeaning them.

Whatever your issues are, you need to keep them moving because as they say, I am not going to roll around in the mud with pigs. I will let you have your opinions, and I will move on with my opinions and my life not worrying about you or yours.

I have learned that in life there will be many haters and at this stage of the game I chose to take the high road, I chose to walk away because my peace is not worth losing over someone else's opinion. Trust and believe I heard enough of someone's else's opinions of me for 24 years of verbal abuse, I will no longer tolerate it, in real life or on fairy land, social media. 

So today my friends and my haters, don't let anyone get to you by their words. Who gives a shit what they have to say. Do they pay your bills? Do their opinions change your life? Only if you let it. All you gotta do is delete, block, unfriend or simply say...Thanks for the love and walk away.

"Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed


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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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