Why is everyone in this country so angry?

Why is everyone in this country so angry?

I often wonder about this, especially this last year as so many people all over this country are so angry. Look I get it, it was a shit year,  many people lost their jobs, and their businesses took a crap just like mine did. People lost their homes and many families out there are going hungry and all by no means of our own.

The government sucks and it hardly stepped up to help people expecting $1200 to last a year, give us a break! Unemployment ran out for many if you could even get through the mass of red tape and it constant crashing. And we already know how many people got sick and lost loved ones during this pandemic. In case you're not up to date with the facts, the CDC data states that 1.52 million have gotten it and 329,611 people have died. Yet, "they" say it's fake, their favorite word...fake news, it will be gone, just like that, by April. Yes, we are mad that we were lied to, that we, who were the richest and most powerful country in the world let this happen to so many people, and that it watched us literally die and gave us no help.

We had race wars and a leader and I use that term very loosely as I will never utter the word president and his name together, that started them. That fanned the flames and made it okay for the racist to take down and take out their white sheets from hiding. Through all the mess, through all the friends and family we had to delete or block due to their racist comments that hit us to the core of who we were as human beings. Through the riots we saw in our streets, the injustice we learned about or knew about but so many were still not acknowledging it, through the country that divided itself, us vs them. I still believe that good would prevail.

Yes, it is scary that the United States of America is divided down the middle with so many people angry on both sides.

We saw more Karens and Kens than ever before yelling and attacking people of color for picnicking, for walking in the park, for selling lemonade for christ's sake. There have been so many incidents that yes, it made so many of us just sick, it made us angry to see yet another black man killed for no reason, another black woman killed in her own home, in her own bed. It reminded the sane half of what happened in Germany not so long ago.

As if this wasn't bad enough, in the first week of a New year when we all had high hopes of something better, #45 incites his band of toothless, uneducated, racists to storm the Capitol. They were there in all their glory wearing 6 million was not enough shirts and Camp Auschwitz” emblazoned with a skull and crossbones and under it the phrase “work brings freedom” – an English translation of the Auschwitz concentration camp motto: “Arbeit macht frei.” On the back, it said, Staff.

If this didn't make everyone in this country mad as hell then there is something wrong with you. If you thought this was okay then you are part of the problem and not the solution. We are seeing right in front of our eyes the second coming of Hitler and it's obvious that we have learned nothing...maybe it's because we took the really shitty stuff out of our textbooks in school to make ourselves look better. But 6 million people's families will never forget what happened and we should never forget as well.

Yes, I get it, I'm mad, I'm angry that so many people are unwilling to see what is going on in this country. They are blind to racism, they are blind to a man that they voted for, who stirred the shit pot. A man that made it okay to come out with their white sheets, to kill people of color, to become the Karen's out there. Yes, I am mad but more than that I am sad that we have learned not a fucking thing in 60 years. We have not evolved into better people, people with tolerance and compassion for other human beings. That we do not take care of one another, that we lost the fact that we are all our brother's keepers, but through it all there is a silver lining.

What could that possibly be you may ask? In case you don't know, I am Tinkerbell and I am always trying to see the silver lining.

It was that many of us, of all colors, were coming together to fight for the good of all. For half of the county, the half that believed we all bleed red, and that we should have human rights, we came together. Fighting for equal rights, fighting to keep the rights our ancestors fought and died for, that were being challenged by this administration. They wanted the LGBT community back in the closet, they wanted to take away women's right to choose, basic human Healthcare, and equity rights for blacks, people of color, or people with disabilities. Basically, we were seeing a revival of the 1950s which even included the lynching of blacks yet again. 

And for so many, this was not going to happen without a fight, even during a pandemic we took to the streets, protesting for basic human rights for all. I saw Blacks, Whites, Jewish, Spanish, the LGBT community, Muslims, and everyone that looked different but believed in the same thing come together and it gave me a glimmer of hope for this country, and for the world.

So today my friends, I know you are angry, that you are mad about what is going on but there is hope, you can change things. Yes, one person can change things, look at Rosa Parks, at Martin Luther King, one person who said enough is enough and made a difference. You can make a difference, run for office, and don't worry that you're not qualified, none of them that are running this country are. All you need is passion, determination, and a willingness to make a difference.

We can all do our part, one act of kindness, one stance saying I will not tolerate this, one person at a time. Love will always defeat hate, and as I say at the end of every blog….

"Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed


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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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