Tips for the online dater 2021

Tips for the online dater 

Since this is a new year and so many people have had enough of their partners during this pandemic, more and more people who are now single, are turning to online dating. If you follow me you know that I am the Taylor Swift of blogging, if you date me and you're a shithead, you better believe I am blogging about it. Don't worry future men, I won't call you out by name, but if you know me, you'll know who I am talking about. 

I've talked a lot about wishing I had someone in my life, but to find someone you first must kiss a lot of frogs...
So to speak and in today's world, it's called online dating, a truly scary thing to do after not dating for 24 years like I had when I first got divorced. 

But I had to do it, it's not like Mr. Perfect for me, will be knocking at my door. Unless it's the Amazon man, which I see a lot of lately but generally, they're not knocking on my door or yours either. 
So I have some tips for all of the guys out there that are also new to this dating scene. These are some very important tips from a woman's point of view if you are going to make an online profile. 
Please, please listen to these guys because we (all of my female friends and I talk about this, all the time!) 

1. Put up a picture. 

In my experience, guys without pictures in this day and age are married, or catfish, period!

2. Put up more than one picture and a full-body picture. 

Yes, you can look really good in one picture, the right angle, and the right light but in others, you look like a completely different person. And yes, we need body shots, sorry everyone has a type. I like being in shape guys, you don't have to be Mr. Universe but you have to be able to see your toes. I am active, and I want an active guy.
We also want to know if you dress like you are 16 with your pants hanging down past your ass, these things are important to us, guys. 

3. I don't need to see pictures of what you looked like 30 years ago. 

Yes, we get it, you were a football star in high school, you're not anymore. Look I get it we all looked better back then, but just let it go.

4. I don't want to see pictures of your animals. 

If you happen to have a great picture of yourself holding your dog, fine but ten pictures of your dog alone, not so much. 
Hello, I am not dating your dog. (and to all you animal rights people, make your own site with just dog pictures if you're mad.) Look I love animals, I'm just not dating them… Well, maybe I have dated a few...anyway on to the next tip. 

5. I am not interested in what you have.

No need to put up pictures of your motorcycle, boat, big house, or a fancy car. I'm not impressed, been there, done that, and I can tell you that money definitely does not make a man. 
(And then you have the nerve to call us gold diggers!)

6. Don't lie about what you like and don't like or what you want. 

We eventually will meet and talk and you can't keep up lies and why would you want to? Just be you, be honest. Can anyone do that anymore? 

7. Catfishing…

What the fuck is with that? Why pretend to be someone you're not, and for what reason? Trust and believe I will not be in a texting relationship, we are going to text, then call, then meet to see if we have chemistry. Really guys (and ladies) Get a life and stop messing with others like that, it's just cruel and time-wasting. 

8. Don't say you want a relationship when all through your profile you're talking about clubbing and sex. 

Be honest, be real if you're just looking to hook up, just say it and let us decide if we are swiping to the left or not. 

9. Be specific about what you want. 

Do you want a relationship? Do you want kids? What are your deal breakers, smoking, skinny, chunky, tall, or short? Please let us know so that we know what you're looking for and we know not to waste time if you are not for us. 

10. Say something about yourself. 
Write something, anything in your profile about your likes, your hobbies, and what you're looking for. Men with a blank profile to me are men who have a blank mind, boring…

I know it's not easy talking about yourself, so ask a friend to help you, and while you're at it, ask them to take pictures of you too!

11. Endless texting or Ghosting 

I don't get this, look if I wanted a pen pal I would write to someone in prison. I am on here to meet someone, we text a few times, we call to see if you can put two sentences together and then we meet to see if we have chemistry, pretty simple. 
And wtf is with ghosting? If you're not feeling me, just say so I'm a big girl, and not everyone jives, it's all good but to just vanish, well that shows what kind of man you truly are and what we definitely don't want but besides that, let's be real, that's just a dick move, plain and simple. 

I would love to hear from my men readers who can give me some tips on how we women can make our profiles better. I am always open to change and to listen to our flaws. 

 So today my friends, it's a new world out there in the dating scene, there are a lot of things we need to know and a lot of things to make us more attractive to finding someone. See we must adapt to changing times but to do so we must be open to change. So make that change, step out there in the unknown, but if you are, make sure you have the best possible shot at doing so. 

"Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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