The depths of denial

The depth of denial

How far are your depths of denial? Yes, there are many people that are in this place, and they don't know how to or want to move from there.

They figure if they don't talk about it, if they shove it into the back of the closet, pile other stuff over it, and close the door, it's gone. Maybe if they pull the blankets over their heads like we used to do when we were little and afraid, and close our eyes real tight, then it will go away.

Except surprise! They are still there. Whatever you are trying to bury is still going to be there.
It doesn't matter what you're hiding. Maybe you're hooked on prescription medications, or you're a drunk. Maybe your child is dropping out and sleeping around, or you were sexually abused as a child. Your issue may be that you can't stop eating at night or deal with your problems with pills. Whatever it may be that you're running from, the problem is still there.

Until the day when you find the courage to stand up. To own your part, take responsibility for what is going on. Nothing is going to change. You will continue to blame others. You will continue to live with the guilt and pain that will not go away until you release it.

Nothing is as bad as you make it seem in your head! Trust me, I know, I put all of my demons, problems, and mistakes out there each and every day for thousands to read. Could it be any worse than that?

You won't be able to get to your next level if you're carrying all your junk on your back. You can't climb up that ladder if your hands are full of crap from the past. So let it go and use your hands to pull yourself up and out of the hole you tried to bury all your stuff in.

Trust that you will have the support of your family, your friends, or your church family and even if you have no one, you will always have God, or your higher power, who will never leave you.

Find a support group. They understand what you are going through. The Internet is a wonderful place to find others for support. Go to consulting, find a preacher, it doesn't matter where it is, just be proactive about the rest of your life.

Okay, disclaimer here, I never sugar coat anything, I am not Willy Wonka. So will it be easy? Oh, hell no, if it was going to be easy, we would have all done it years ago.

It will be tough, it may be really hard and sometimes it will be excruciating but when you come out on the other side, it is so worth it. No more hiding, no more lying, cheating, or covering your tracks. No more worries that someone will find out. All of that will be gone, you will finally be free, and what a feeling freedom is.

So today, my friends, remember to take that step, reach out to someone, admit you have a problem, and ask for help. It doesn't make you weak. It will make you stronger! This is your life. Don't hide from it, live it to the fullest, be your authentic self, the one God created you to be, the best you, possible. 

"Be the change you want to see"


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