Hate no one

Hate no one 

Hate is such a strong word. Hate is so toxic that it will eat at your soul. It will turn you into something you never thought you'd be. You will be a different person when you let hate take over your life.

Hate is like taking poison and hoping the other person will die.
They are living their lives, not thinking about you or what they did to you. Yet here you are, wasting all your time and energy, literally killing yourself hating them, wishing they would feel the pain they caused you.

There are many reasons why people hate. So many people hate others because of the color of their skin, their religious beliefs, or because they are a different political party than you are. Why? Who cares?
What ever happened to live and let live? Not anymore. Everyone is hating on everyone, even people they don't know. We now have haters or trolls on the internet, hating on many people at once that they don't even know. It's crazy. Why waste so much energy on that? 

I saw hate first hand, with my grandmother and my ex mother in law. They hated their exes for over 50 years. They were so filled with anger and hatred that it took over their whole lives. The funny thing is their exes had moved on. They were living their lives and could not care. But these two were still stuck in this vicious cycle of hate for all those years. 

It robbed them of happiness, of joy, and it literally took over their lives and everyone around them. This poison spread like a disease and grew bigger throughout the years. My grandmother went to her grave, hating men, especially my grandfather. 

So today, my friends, my message is to let go of the hate. Now don't get this twisted. If someone did you wrong, walk away, love them from afar. Remember, forgiveness is not for them. It's for you. It allows you to move on, to let go of the toxic hate that is eating you up inside. Hate is a disease that you give to yourself, and it will eventually kill you and kill your relationships around you. Let go and hate no one. 
"Be the change you want to see"


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