Working, what we do all day

Working what we do all day

So recently, I watched the Netflix documentary called Working, what we do all day. Hosted by President Obama. It showcased the everyday lives of working class people, the middle class, and the high class of our society.

It was sad to see that so many people in service jobs could barely get by. We live in what once was the greatest country in the world, and yet people can not get by working 40 hours a week with one job anymore. They are less likely to achieve the American dream of buying a home than the last 3 generations that came before them.

One single mom said she made 10.00 dollars an hour, and she has to work an hour just to buy one box of cereal. That's crazy, but that's the way it is anymore here in the United States. We want to be fulfilled by our jobs, but yet so many people are not. They are just struggling to put food on the table and pay their astronomical rent. 

Yet the politicians keep getting raises and benefits most of us can only dream of. Is this fair? No, but again, we forget that we voted these people in. The top 10 percent rule the bottom 90, that's the way it is in our "great" country.

It was funny to see people above the lower class think they weren't so well off. Even millionaires didn't consider themselves well off. Of course, the lower class already knew this, and many of them were just grateful for what they had. Grateful just to be able to pay the rent and feed their children.

We need a change in this country, we need to give a hand up to those who need it. I did not say a hand out, I said a hand up. If you are willing to work hard, if you have dreams and goals but you can't achieve them because you are working 2 jobs just to get by, we should have programs to offer free daycare or free college and when you finish and get a job you won't have to pay back astronomical loans. We can definitely figure out a better system, except the 10 percent doesn't want to see the 90 percent do better.

So today, my friends,no matter where you are in life, always strive to help others out. To be grateful for what you do have because there is always someone out there that would trade places with you in a heartbeat.
We all want a better life for our families. We all bleed red, and we all have the same dreams. Now, if we could just help each other out, we would be helping the world out.

"Be the change you want to see"


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