The strength to survive trauma

The strength to survive trauma 

So last night at my church, we had a guest speaker. Da'naia Jackson, the ex-wife of Derrick Jax (Jackson), is the widely popular social media influencer. If you know me or follow me, you know I was one of his biggest fans for years. He spoke the truth of how and why men treat women the way they do. He even went so far as to always call men out as fuck boys and how they needed to grow up. 

Until he was exposed as being one of the biggest fuck boys there were. He was cheating on his wife and we found out that his whole life was a lie. We sat by and watched his wife stand by his side. But I saw her pain, I knew what she was going through even when she never said a word. 
See when you've been there you can feel another's pain, even though they may never speak of it. 

I wanted to hear her story, her journey into becoming who she is today. Sometimes we don't know the whole story, we only see what people want us to see. That fake, perfect social media life so many people like to portray. I didn't know she was raped like me, I didn't know she jumped into this relationship because she was broken and couldn't see him for who he really was. See pain has a way of blinding us from the truth. Sometimes you're running away from something right into something far worse and we never see it coming.

She spoke of losing herself, of trying to be someone he wanted her to be. Boy, do I know that story. Wearing a mask for the world, to try to please everyone else until one day you no longer know who you are anymore.
This was her self discovery to find herself again. 

But to first find yourself you must admit there is a problem. Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom and the only way to to come back from that is to look up to God. I felt like our stories could be one. I connected with her as I have been there. I wanted to end my life as well. I was lost and broken just like her. Trying to pretend everything was alright. 

But like I say when your sick and of being sick and tired, you do something about it. She is now telling her testimony to others, hoping like me, to be able to inspire others to hold on. To learn who they are and whose they are, the child of the most high God. She reminded us that even in our brokenness we are still perfect.

So today my friends, remember we all have that strength inside. We can all overcome the traumas in our lives if we are true to ourselves and who we are called to be. 
"Be the change you want to see"


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