Compassion leads to generosity

On Treadmill Treats Monday Message

Compassion leads to generosity

This week while the world seems to be going crazy...
I want to write about what is most important to us, to the world...the only thing that matters...the only thing that will fix what's going on with this world today.....
Love and Compassion.

So I will start this weeks blog series with my Bishop Henry Fernandez sermon from Sunday which just happens to be about...yes, you got it...
love and compassion.

Today's world seems to be a world. What can I get? What's in it for me? What about me?
It seems like we've lost all of our love and compassion for our fellow man.

When your life is only what you can get, what you can buy, what can God give me, you lose sight of what Jesus was trying to teach us, which was nothing is more important than love. So much so the bible spoke of love 538 times! That is a lot of repeating one thing...Love.

You think that you have to suffer to be a good Christian but God wants you to do well, he wants you to be a blessing to others but not at the price of your soul or your relationship with him.
We have driven ourselves to get more, do more... we forgotten who we are who, we were meant to be.

The first thing you need to have is compassion, you need to ask God what he wants you to do, who you need to open your heart to and listen.

I remember when one night I went to church and I was just divorced I had a hundred dollars on me for groceries, this was the only money I had. When I heard a voice say give this to a friend of mine. At first I thought I was crazy, no this was my grocery money, I hear it again and again yet I am fighting so after the third time (yes, I am hard headed)

I say if I turn around and she's the first person I see I will. Well she was and I gave it to her not knowing her struggles at that moment but God did. Not only did it renew her faith as she was praying for this money but also the following day I got three new cleints that gave me grocery money plus! All because I listened, I put another needs before mine.

If your only after stuff, if its all about you, if God is not the center of it all, you will die unfulfilled. All the money in the world doesn't bring you happiness.( believe me I definitely know that one first hand)
You think, I"ll help when I am in a better place, when I am taking care's always when...

When I lose weight, when I get a better job, when I find the perfect person...
If you think your life is about finding the perfect person, then your life will be to someone who is married or who has been divorced.
Life is too short for when I....
its about now, doing and being the best you can be or do now.

When your on your dying bed...what will all the stuff matter..
What will working 80 hours a week get you?
What will all the wealth you ran after get you?
At the end of it you need to have an enteral outcome...its all about him.
The best outcome would be God saying well done my child...well done.

Our passions are making us go after the wrong things in life, its all about us even in the church.
You come to church asking for things, you want to be filled up, you want to be lifted up, you want an encouraging message but what do you bring?
Do you praise him? Do you sing his praises?
Do you count your blessings even when things are not going good? What are you bringing?

Just because you go to church doesnt make you a Christian.
Just because your busy in chuch doesn't make us Christian, its just like sitting in a garage doesnt make you a car.

What truly make you a Christian is your compassion...
We lost our passion, lost our compassion to help others, lost our compassion to tell others about our faith.
We so busy with our own agenda that we can't help someone else, that we can be a blessing to others.
We have forgotten to...
"Love your neighbor like your self"

My Bishop finished off with a bible verse that said man had been robbed and beaten, left for dead. A priest sees him and crosses the street, a levite sees him and crossed the street but a Samaritan stops and takes care of him, even putting him upon his donkey while he walked.

Yes, even in the church we have people with no compassion, we all need to change our ways, be a blessing to others, listen to God's voice.
We need to be the light that others see and want to be like.

Love one another no matter what their political views are, what color their skin is, what their religious beliefs are, what their sexual preference is,
we need to start having compassion and love for one another, this is the only way we will grow, the only way this world will change.

So today my friends remember,  it's not all about me...its about love and compassion, it's about bringing something to the table, it's about hearing his voice at the end of it all, saying
"Well done, my child...well done"

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

***Now available***
My new book The blessing in Disguise
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