I am a strong woman

Thursday Treadmill Treats

I am a strong women

I am a strong women and I make no apologies for that. I am a strong women and I will not change to make a man feel more manly, I am a strong women because I want to be a role model for my girls, I am a strong women and it took me a long time to reconnect with her.

Yes, years ago I was strong but I like so many other women out there gave myself to a man, to our familes, to everyone and everything around us that we lost ourselves. You wake up one morning, look in the mirror and think who is this person? Why am I here? And some women, like me at the time, even say I hate myself and my life.

Yes, we forgot, we try to please, we want to make everyone else happy. As women that is what we are programed to do.
Until one day your nothing more than a shell, a scared, sad shell of who you once were.

When I took back my power, when I decided to refind myself, I found that strong women, the one I use to be but now I was older, I went through a lot more crap, I was wiser and now I knew who I was, what I would put up with and what was definitely a deal breaker.

Now I know some men don't like strong woman and hey to each his own, if you can't deal with me, your not a strong man and truthfully I don't want you anyways.
I refuse to change to inflat someone's ego, to make you feel like more of a man...been there...done that...not having a repeat performance.

I am not a bitch, I am not domineering, I will never put down a man, I will never make you feel worse to make myself feel better but I will also never change to make you feel better about yourself.

There are alot of strong, independent, beautiful women out there, my cousin is one of those women, I love her strength, I love that she speaks her mind, I love that she stands up for her and others rights, this is who she is...period.

I have a lot of friends who are also this way and yes, at times it is hard to find a man who is comfortable with this type of women, they can't deal with us so they call us bitches and that's okay...

We all have our own types, some want submissive, some want quiet women, some want a women to act or be dumb and some men actually want a  smart, independent women.

Look let's be real, we do this as women, we want a strong man but a sensitive man... but not too sensitive because then we feel we have to be the man in the relationship. We want a strong man but not a domineering man, one who tries to control you.

We are not looking for perfection just the perfect man for us and at this stage of the game we'd rather be alone than settle, then be unhappy, then change to try to make someone else happy who will never be happy.

I've already been unhappy for way to many years, I am happy with myself, with my life...either I am going to continue to be happy or I will go at it alone and know I'll be happy, simple as that.

So today my friends remember life is too short, I tell you this all the time. Be who God created you to be... be bold, be confident, be intelligent, be strong, be yourself and know that that is good enough...you are good enough...you are a beautiful, strong women, own it!

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

***Now available***
My new book The blessing in Disguise
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