Say it's not so...Trump is president
Hump day Treadmill Treats
Say its not so... Trump is president
I couldn't sleep last night... what started out as a joke was now as real as hell as I finally couldn't keep my eyes open anymore last night and fell asleep not knowing who was going to be our president when I awoke this morning.
I kept waking up, I tossed and turned and yet I refused to look at my phone, like a little kid who's scared and if they keep their eyes closed the monster will go away.
I woke up way before the alarm with this dreaded feeling and had to look and when I saw that Trump had won, my heart sank, we are now truly the laughing stock of the world.
Not that we weren't before but this is definitely the icing on the cake.
Okay...all the gays go back into the closet, mexicans you better run, blacks comes the segregation again, women get ready to have no rights, that the world thinks its okay to be grabbed by your p***y and here comes back alley abortions again.
People with disabilities sorry to tell you we now have a president that thinks its okay to make fun of you.
Yes, we have a President of the United States that cheated on all three of his wifes with the next, who thinks its okay to call women fat and ugly, who wants to build walls to keep "them" out, that wants to "bomb the shit out of them"
Who doesn't want to unite the country but tear it apart with discrimination against anyone who is not like him (Hello...any of this sound familiar to anyone?? )
Yet, this says alot about our country and even though it seemed like we have come so far, we haven't at all.There is still discrimination against blacks, against women, against people with disabilities, against anyone who isn't "pure bred" whatever the hell that means.
This speaks volumes on who we are as a country, that our now "leader" publicly said these things, made fun of people, is a narrossist, spoke about women like they are a piece of meat, rufused to go on black radio to speak of his policy's,
to never once give the country a clear and precise definition of his views and what he was going to do to change them. No, he just kept throwing mud at everyone else to keep the spotlight off the real issues.
Yet, more than half of America voted him as President, what the hell does this say about us? That most of you never wanted equal rights for anyone? That this behavior is okay especially from our President elect??
I guess's a really sad fact and it's a sad day for all of us, as the rest of the world keeps laughing at us.
I thought when President Obama was voted in that our county was changing their views.That we would come together like Dr.Martin Luther Kings dream, that we would learn to love and accept each other.
But it is obvious that more than half of you want our country to go back to the 50's. Where blacks had no say, women had no rights, gays, people with disabilities and people of other races and religions knew their place.
So today my friends, I just pray our children will not lookup to him, a man who has such hatred and thinks he is better than everyone, a man who wants to tear the world apart with hatred and discrimination instead of trying to repair it with love and acceptance.
Remember you reap what you sow, you wanted it and now you got it...good luck with that.
I leave you with this yet again
The amazing speach by Emma Lazarus in 1883 on the statue of liberty:
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
This is what America is supposed to stand for...God bless America....we will need it!
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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