Its get over it

Thursday Treadmill Treats

It's get over it

Yesterday election results were like no other I have ever seen, ever!
People were in a uproar, posts all over social media, friends fighting with friendss, gloating, name calling.
People were in a depression, heavy hearts everywhere, all over. Everywhere you went, you heard people speaking about it

The Canadian website got overloaded and crashed, the suicide hotline crashed, the stock market dropped. People were losing their minds over the results that Donald Trump is now going to be our next president.

Yes, even I wrote a blog about how we just stepped back to the 50's with his views and "values"

But then I saw on Tv last night, people rioting in the streets, burning things, literally going crazy and I was shocked.

People, its over, done, if all of you that were going crazy voted we wouldn't be in this mess and if you did vote, realize we lost and get over it.
Have some class, be a gracious loser.

The other party thinks he will make good on all his promises and maybe he will and maybe he won't but it doesn't matter, he is it for the next four years like it or not.

People and celebrities cried we are leaving, we are moving, don't even know what he is going to do or not do. If he screws things up, well he won't be the first or the last for that matter, to do that.

Maybe he will make good changes, only God knows and we here, are on a wait and see basis. I would love nothing better than to see all that he "promised" come to pass, to make America great again...good let's see you do it or let's see if your another bullshitting politician...but we all have to wait and see.

At this point we just need to stand together as the United States of America, united and try to figure out a way to get along, to help your neighbor, to change things you can change.

Show the other party we are a gracious loser, that we will back our president, because we are lucky enough to be able to have a president and not a dictatorship.

If you want change, stop your bitching and moaning about them vs us and step up and do something. Start a foundation, help out a neighborhood, show the world your light, show the world that you love your neighbors as well as your enemies, make a change, be the change.

Every change comes from one person that steps up and says enough is that person, you want change then do it, one step at a time, one person at a time.

So today my friends I will leave you with what my Bishop told us last night and what we all needed to hear.
"That no matter who is in office, he is now our president and we must pray for our leaders, we must show the world our light, we must show others love and compassion.
And know there is only one person that will bring us through and that is God"
Bishop Henry Fernandez

Be that person that is light and love...pass it on and for God's sake realize it's over and get over it already.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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