You have to do what you have to do to get by

Hump day Treadmill Treats
During this hoilday week while I am getting ready to bring together friends and family, I bring the best of Treadmill Treats:

You have to do what you have to do to get by.

There are some days I don't even know how I have the energy to get through the day.
If you read my blog, you know I am a single mom of 2 girls, I get barely any child support and so I have to work, alot... to make ends meet.

But I am nor have I ever been afraid of work,
I learned my work ethic from my parents especially my mother who worked the night shift in a dinner for 18 years, serving mostly drunks night after night.

I learned you don't sit back and expect to get things handed to you, you have to work and work hard for them.
I can remember any free time they had, they would work on our broken down farm house we had.
After working all night, she would come home change her clothes and help my dad work on the house.

I remember thinking how does she do it? I know now, it's because you need to do what you need to do to get by, you don't think about it, you just do it.
She was my role model and my hero.

I have to keep reinventing myself to try to make money.
I wake up every morning at
5 am, I am at the gym by 5:30.
I write my blog, edit it and post it on four sites all before 8 am.

I then do professional organizing, I recently added personal assistant to the mix, then decided to help people with their electronics to try to make more money. I recently added website building and social media to the mix.
I am self taught at all of these things.

I do hair at night and I whenever I can, I do focus groups or secret shopping and before the night is over, I post my blog on the 5 other sites I blog on and then promote my book and business.

There is nothing I won't do to put food on my table for my girls. I am not to "proud" to do a job to keep a roof over our heads, if that includes working 16 hour days, so be it.
If I had to I would scrub toliets and be proud to do so to support my family.

I worked like this while I was married for my ex for free, all while feeling like I was in prison, so this is a piece of cake. I get to come home to a peaceful home, filled with love and laughter, are you kidding? This is easy! I am truly free now!

Don't say you can't do it, that you don't have time, you can make time for all other kinds of things, stop watching TV like I did, that frees up 4 hours a night.

I am constantly thinking of what I can do next. One day (soon) I would like to be able to do one job, just write and speak and I will get there but until then I will do what I have to do.

So today my friends, remember there is nothing you can't do if you put your mind to can do it, yes, sometimes it might feel impossible but remember what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

If I can do this, you definitely can do this, just never give up...just believe. If you have to do it one day at a time, just do it. Keep your eye on the prize no matter how far away it may seem, no matter how far fetched it may seem, you can get will get there if you just believe....

Be the change you want to see"
" And just when the moth thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

***Now available***
My new book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:


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